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Modes of Communication © 2015

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1 Modes of Communication © 2015

2 Modes of Communication © 2015 WHAT IS COMMUNICATION ?  The Exchange of thoughts, messages, or the like, as by speech, signals or writing.  To Express oneself in such a way that one is readily and clearly understood.

3 Modes of Communication © 2015 WHAT IS EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION?

4 Modes of Communication © 2015

5 Modes of Communication © 2015 MOBILE PHONE WHY A MOBILE PHONE? Handy device Standard feature with most people. Convenient Ability to access email and send text messages View photos and videos.

6 Modes of Communication © 2015 WHY A FAX MACHINE? Global coverage and acceptance Simple Assured delivery Ease of integration Ubiquitous FAX MACHINE

7 Modes of Communication © 2015 WHY SMS ?(SHORT MESSAGE SERVICES) Cost Effective Speed Meaningful Conversations Interactive Environmentally Friendly SMS

8 Modes of Communication © 2015 WHY TELEPHONE ? Cost Effective Emergency Purposes Personal and Immediate Confidential Meaningful Conversations Interactive Environmentally Friendly TELEPHONE

9 Modes of Communication © 2015 COMPUTER WHY COMPUTERS ? Daily Life Sports Weather Predictions Education Media Medical Science Business Banks

10 Modes of Communication © 2015 INTERNET AS A MODE OF COMMUNICATION

11 Modes of Communication © 2015 WHY FACEBOOK ? Sharing Of Information Chatting Mobile Facebook Find School, College Friendship or Colleague Business Promotion Entertainment FACEBOOK

12 Modes of Communication © 2015 E-BLOGGER WHY BLOG ? Sharing Of Information Chatting Mobile Facebook Find School, College Friendship or Colleague Business Promotion Entertainment

13 Modes of Communication © 2015 WHY SKYPE ? Video chat with friends and family Instant Messaging Building Relationships(Personal /Professionals) Low Cost Application can be downloaded onto i-phones and Android phones Basic version is free Business can use this program to save money for travelling to mjeet clients or business partners across the countries. SKYPE

14 Modes of Communication © 2015 WHY E-MAIL ? Emails are easy to use. You can organize your daily correspondence, send and receive electronic messages and save them on computers. Emails are fast. They are delivered at once around the world. No other form of written communication is as fast as an email. The language used in emails is simple and informal. It is possible to send automated emails with a certain text. In such a way it is possible to tell the sender that you are on vacation. These emails are called auto responders. Emails do not use paper. They are environment friendly and save a lot of trees from being cut down. E-MAIL

15 Modes of Communication © 2015 TWITTER WHY TWITTER ? Massive Audience Potential The hard 140 character limit means you have to be concise and forces you to think clearly before posting something Media such as photos and video are automatically embedded in the tweet, so fans can see the content without leaving the site. Widely Accessible Customer Service and Advertisements Hash tags offer simple indexing of content, making marketing on Twitter quick and concise

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