WINTER Template Do Now You need your homework, spiral, and pen/pencil. Silently complete the Do Now in your spiral. Table of Contents: Impactful person.

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Presentation on theme: "WINTER Template Do Now You need your homework, spiral, and pen/pencil. Silently complete the Do Now in your spiral. Table of Contents: Impactful person."— Presentation transcript:

1 WINTER Template Do Now You need your homework, spiral, and pen/pencil. Silently complete the Do Now in your spiral. Table of Contents: Impactful person paragraph Which of the following phrases best describes someone who has impacted your life? -has a zest for life -determined to meet a goal -cares about his/her community -has a sense of curiosity about the world Explain why this phrase best describes him/her in a well-developed paragraph with specific examples.

2 Essential Question How do life’s experiences change each person’s definition of the American Dream?

3 I Can Statements I can determine when an event happened in relation to another event and place events on a timeline. I can analyze the purpose for an author’s ordering of events. I can use background knowledge associated with the novel to make connections between the novel and the 1930’s.

4 Glossary Chronological order - (Chronos = time, logos = order) When events are explained in the same order as which they occurred - the first thing that happened is told first, the second thing that occurred is told second, etc. Chronological order is sometimes called "timeline order". Flashback – When the story jumps from the present to the past in order to help explain how the characters arrived at their current situation. A flashback is a story-within-a-story, where the inner story takes place, chronologically, before the events of the outer story.

5 Sequencing George and Lennie travel to ranch to work. L finds a mouse to pet. G makes him throw it away. In partners, fill in the events up to where we stopped reading last time. Select only significant events!

6 Text Based Questions

7 Homework In preparation for chapter two, write a page reflection in which you discuss #3 from the “Your Opinion Counts” handout: Friends have an obligation to take care of one another. Use specific experiences/examples to provide evidence for your opinion.

8 Do Now Table of Contents: Do Now – Smartphones How do you feel life has changed since the invention of smart-phones? What were the effects on everyday life? Answer in one paragraph or more. Welcome to class! You need your homework, spiral, and pen/pencil. Please prepare yourself for an interesting day! Silently complete the Do Now!

9 Essential Question H OW DO WORLD EVENTS CONTRIBUTE TO THE CHANGING DEFINITION OF THE AMERICAN DREAM ? I CAN make connections between the text and the historical context in order to examine how the setting of the story contributes to thematic concepts of hope and dreams.

10 Glossary Seminal means a work, event, moment, or figure strongly influencing later developments. The Great Depression is a seminal event that had a profound effect on the citizens of that time period. Concept is a universal idea an author is messaging through text. Theme is what the author is saying about the concept. Concept = Friendship Theme = Maintaining enduring friendships takes honest communication.

11 The Great Depression/Stock Market Crash great-depression

12 Character Chart CCandy Write character inferences here as you read

13 Chapter 2 You are now going to read chapter 2 and complete a reading guide as you read. You will need to finish chapter 2 and the reading guide as homework if you do not complete it in class. Do Answer the questions thoroughly and using complete sentences. Keep yourself engaged in the reading by previewing the questions and “listening” for the answers as you read. Complete as homework if you do not get this done in class! Don’t  Distract other people by failing to be engaged in the work you should be doing at this time.  Read the entire chapter and then try to answer the reading guide questions.  Don’t procrastinate! Happy reading!!

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