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Understanding how to write a literary analysis an easy way!

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding how to write a literary analysis an easy way!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding how to write a literary analysis an easy way!
Hexagonal Writing Understanding how to write a literary analysis an easy way!

2 Layers of your Literary Analysis
Plot Summary (retell the story) Personal Allusion ( what does the story remind you of from your own life/experience.  Theme – author’s message. Sum up your story in one word, but stretch it into a statement. Literary Devices- imagery, similes, metaphors, etc. first look at the author’s word choice that proves your theme. Then examine the words and look for any literary devices. Literary Allusion – what other texts, books, poems, movies, etc. does the story remind you of. Evaluation – did you like the book, what was your opinion.

3 LAYERS From your reading companion that will lead to your literary analysis writing.
Plot Summary/Literal Level– Write title and author; give plot; retell the work in your own words. Personal association – Write personal allusions (connect with the text.) What in the work reminds you of something or someone in your life. Remember to explain the association.

4 Literary Analysis Theme – Write out the meaning, the message. What do you think the author’s purpose was in writing this work? Literary Devices - trace it throughout the work.

5 Remembering Literary Devices REVIEW
Simile Metaphor Personification Imagery Foreshadowing Flashback Comparison of two things using like or as Comparison of two things not using like or as Giving human qualities to an animal, object or idea Words that appeal to the readers’ senses A hint about an event that will happen later An interruption of a sequence of a narrative to relate an action that happened at an earlier point in time.

6 Understanding “Theme”
To determine the theme of a story, ask yourself, “What does the author want me to learn or know?” Your answer should be a BIG idea that can stand on its own away from the story. Many stories have more than one theme!

7 Personal Association Connect with what you read!
Does what you are reading remind you of something you have done, somewhere you have been, or someone you have known? Always try to relate this story to you and your life!!

8 Literary Associations
Has something happened in what you are reading that reminds you of another novel or story? Can you relate a character in this story to another character in a different story? Is this theme similar to another one?

9 Cont. with Literary Analysis
Literary Associations – What in other works are like or unlike this work? Remember – connect to other things you have read or seen! Judgement/Evaluation – Do I like this work or not? Why or why not? Give reasons. Remember - valid reasons are essential!

10 Good writing to you!!

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