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Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck.

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1 Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck

2 Author Biography Learning Targets
Know the name of the author of “Of Mice and Men” Explain 2 details of John Steinbeck’s personal life List 3 books that were written by John Steinbeck Describe some of the qualities in John Steinbeck's novels

3 Author Biography Read questions on packet p. 6 aloud together
Read Author Biography p. 5 aloud together As reading use highlighter to highlight information needed to answer questions When finished reading/highlighting, write answers to questions Review & Discuss

4 Anticipation Guide In Before Reading column mark: Yes = I agree
No = I disagree ? = I don’t know

5 Having friends fulfills our basic human needs.
Statement Having friends fulfills our basic human needs.

6 Statement Mentally impaired people are worthless, and cannot function like “regular” people.

7 Statement People who are strong know their strength, and how much they can hurt other people if they wanted to.

8 Statement It is unnatural for people to have an attachment to, or feelings for, an animal.

9 Statement The purpose of life is to strive for, and eventually reach, our goals and dreams.

10 Killing another human being is intolerable, and should be punished.
Statement Killing another human being is intolerable, and should be punished.

11 Running away from a crime is never acceptable.
Statement Running away from a crime is never acceptable.

12 Journal = individual reflection of responses & group discussions
Tally responses and put into a graph Journal = individual reflection of responses & group discussions

13 Elements of Storytelling
Plot – the related series of events that make up a story Climax – the turning point in the story; emotional high point for the character Conflict – the struggle(s) between opposing forces, usually characters Character – the individuals involved in the action of the story Setting – the time and place, or where and when, the action occurs Point of view – the perspective from which a story is told Theme – the main idea behind a literary work; the message in the story

14 Novel A type of literary work which is lengthy (generally between pages) Uses all the elements of storytelling


16 Note-Taking & Summarizing
Question Ask yourself Where is this taking place? What happened before this? Who are the characters involved? What do I NOT understand? What do I need to re-read? What do I need to ask my teacher to clarify?

17 Note-Taking & Summarizing
Predict What will happen next? What effect will this have on the characters? What effect will this have on the plot?

18 Note-Taking & Summarizing
Connect Try to relate to characters or events in story Have you ever encountered a similar situation? How did you handle the situation? Have you ever known a person like any of the characters? Does this remind you of any other stories you have read?

19 Note-Taking & Summarizing
Summarize In your own words, break down the most important information, details, events in the order they happened in the story.

20 Note-Taking & Summarizing
Reflect Why I am reading this? What have you learned so far? What do you think is the theme? Do you like the story? Why or why not?

21 Chapter 1 Review vocabulary terms & definitions for Chapter 1
Read Chapter 1 (p. 1-16) Fill in note-taking & summarizing for Chapter 1 (packet p. 12)

22 Chapter 1 ~ Dialogue Learning Target Packet p. 13-14 I will
Know the meaning of the term dialogue. Understand the differences between dialogue form and narrative form. Packet p

23 Homework Complete packet p. 13-14 (dialogue)
Vocabulary practice packet p. 15 using context clues Chapter 1 terms Review notes ~ Quiz tomorrow ~ chapter 1

24 Agenda Quiz – chapter 1 Correct Quiz & Discuss
Chapter 2 – write definitions for vocabulary terms

25 Chapter 2 Go over Chapter 2 vocabulary definitions Read Chapter 2
Fill in Note-taking & Summarizing packet p. 16

26 Chapter 2 ~ Analyzing Poetry
Learning Target I will familiarize myself with translating poetry into familiar language to aide in comprehension. I will familiarize myself with using translated poetry to understand meaning. Packet p

27 Homework Complete packet p. 17-18 (analyzing poetry)
Vocabulary practice packet p. 19 using vocabulary in context Chapter 2 terms Review notes ~ Quiz tomorrow ~ chapter 2 Vocabulary definitions chapter 3

28 Agenda Quiz – chapter 2 Correct Quiz & Discuss Begin Chapter 3

29 Chapter 3 Go over Chapter 3 vocabulary definitions Read Chapter 3
Fill in Note-taking & Summarizing packet p. 20

30 Chapter 3 ~ Recognizing Vivid Details
Learning Targets I will Become familiar with details in writings that develop mood. Explain how details can help to create understanding of text. Packet p. 21

31 Homework Complete packet p. 21 (vivid details)
Vocabulary practice packet p. 22 synonyms & antonyms Chapter 3 terms Review notes ~ Quiz tomorrow ~ chapter 3 Study Vocab ~ Quiz tomorrow ~ Chapters 1-3

32 Chapter 4 Go over Chapter 4 vocabulary definitions & write definitions in class Read Chapter 4 Fill in Note-taking & Summarizing packet p. 24

33 Chapter 4 ~ Conflict & Effect
Learning Targets I will verbally state the meaning of conflict. I will list and explain the 3 common types of conflict. Given a conflict from the story, I will state the type of conflict given and explain the effect for the conflict. Packet p. 25

34 Homework Complete packet p. 25 (conflict & effect)
Vocabulary practice packet p. 26 Chapter 4 terms Review notes ~ Quiz tomorrow ~ chapter 4 Write definitions – vocab list chapter 5

35 Chapter 5 Go over Chapter 5 vocabulary definitions Read Chapter 5
Fill in Note-taking & Summarizing packet p. 27

36 Chapter 5 ~ Character Types
Learning Targets I will explain the difference between protagonist and antagonist in literature. I will list and explain the 4 different types of characters. I will identify if the author uses direct or indirect characterization. Packet p

37 Homework Complete packet p. 28-29 (character types)
Vocabulary practice packet p. 30 analogies Chapter 5 terms Write vocabulary definitions ~ chapter 6

38 Chapter 6 Go over Chapter 6 vocabulary definitions Read Chapter 6
Fill in Note-taking & Summarizing packet p. 31

39 Chapter 6 ~ Theme Learning Targets Packet p. 32
I will give examples of themes from familiar works. I will create a theme for the novel “Of Mice & Men” Packet p. 32

40 Homework Complete packet p. 32 (theme)
Vocabulary practice packet p. 33 Vocabulary in Context Chapter 6 terms Review notes ~ Quiz tomorrow ~ chapter 5-6 Study Vocab ~ Quiz tomorrow ~ Chapters 4-6

41 Agenda Quiz ~ Chapters 5-6 Vocab Quiz ~ Chapters 4-6
Begin “Of Mice & Men” project portfolio. Study – End of book Test

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