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Understanding Intelligence Intelligence: The ability to understand and adapt to the environment by using a combination of inherited abilities and learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Intelligence Intelligence: The ability to understand and adapt to the environment by using a combination of inherited abilities and learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Intelligence Intelligence: The ability to understand and adapt to the environment by using a combination of inherited abilities and learning experiences.

2 Is Intelligence Inherited? Most researchers conclude that 50% of our intelligence is influenced by heredity The other 50% comes from such influences as; education, social class, environment, nutrition, stimulation, etc. Your brain changes and becomes stronger in areas of stimulation

3 Intelligence Tests Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale –IQ Test developed by Alfred Binet and modified by Stanford University Wechsler Intelligence Tests Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences

4 Stanford-Binet Based on 4 Main Elements 1.Direction- ability to set a goal and work toward it 2.Adaptability- ability to make adjustments when faced with a problem 3.Comprehension- basic understanding of exactly what the problem is 4.Self-evaluation- ability to know if you solved the problem correctly

5 Test Construction The questions today focus more on reasoning process and critical thinking It is designed for the questions to get more difficult as the test goes on, therefore being able to test multiple ages

6 Binet Results Test Results are expressed by a persons Mental Age- the level of intellectual functioning in years, which is compared to chronological age to derive the IQ Intelligence Quotient (IQ)- measuring mental age compared to physical age Mental AgeX 100 = IQ Chronological Age

7 Mental Retardation 5 Million people in this country are mentally retarded: below average intellectual functioning that prevents a person from being able to perform at the level appropriate for his/ her age. 70-79: Borderline 52-69: Mild 36-51: Moderate 20-35: Severe 19 and below: Profound

8 Wechsler Intelligence Test Binet test focused mostly on school related intelligence (almost all verbal). Wechsler wanted to be able to test those who might not have had education. This test now had a verbal scale and a performance scale.

9 Wechsler Results Verbal Scale-IQ test items that rely heavily on word comprehension Performance Scale-IQ test items that focus on problem solving without words (completing puzzles or identifying mistakes in a picture) Full-Scale IQ- The combination of both. *Interesting*- It is found that most people score equally on both parts

10 IQ Classifications IQCategoryPercentage 130 +Very superior2.6 120-129Superior6.9 110-119High Average16.6 90-109Average49.1 80-89Low Average16.1 70-79Borderline6.4 69 -Mentally Retarded2.3

11 Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences Gardner believed that intelligence is made up of 7 different abilities, not just school related abilities

12 Seven Intelligences Language Logical/ Mathematical Visual/ Spatial– Architecture, Geometry, Photography, etc. Musical Bodily Movement– Kinesthetic Awareness, Athletic Ability Intrapersonal– Knowledge and acceptance of yourself Interpersonal– Social skills

13 Creativity IQ Tests do not test CREATIVITY: the mental process that results in original, workable ideas. Most people use a SET to solve problems; solving problems in the same way repeatedly Creative people tend to BREAK SET: use unusual unexpected ideas; use something different than its original intent These students tend to be very bright, but not often A level students, because they come to the answer differently than the teacher did. How many ways can you think to use a tin can?

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