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教学目标 语言知识目标: 学生能够运用本单元有关疾病、身体健康的常用词语和句式理解 和询问健康状况 语言技能目标: 听 —— 学生能够听懂就医的常用语以及传述病症 说 —— 学生能够运用相关语句和句式对就医等话题 进行交流, 并能理解医生就病症提出的建议 学习策略: 学生能够通过合作学习,提高语言表达能力.

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Presentation on theme: "教学目标 语言知识目标: 学生能够运用本单元有关疾病、身体健康的常用词语和句式理解 和询问健康状况 语言技能目标: 听 —— 学生能够听懂就医的常用语以及传述病症 说 —— 学生能够运用相关语句和句式对就医等话题 进行交流, 并能理解医生就病症提出的建议 学习策略: 学生能够通过合作学习,提高语言表达能力."— Presentation transcript:


2 教学目标 语言知识目标: 学生能够运用本单元有关疾病、身体健康的常用词语和句式理解 和询问健康状况 语言技能目标: 听 —— 学生能够听懂就医的常用语以及传述病症 说 —— 学生能够运用相关语句和句式对就医等话题 进行交流, 并能理解医生就病症提出的建议 学习策略: 学生能够通过合作学习,提高语言表达能力 情感态度: 学生能够用积极的人生态度、健康的生活方式面对生活

3 Unit 6 Tell Me When the Pain Started

4 n. 胃痛 n. 牙痛 n. 发烧 n.&v. 咳嗽 流鼻涕 n. 头疼 n. 疼痛 n. 约定;预约 adj. 疼痛的 n. 感冒 n. & v. 疼痛;受伤 stomachache toothache fever cough runny nose headache pain appointment sore cold hurt


6 Find the right words for the pictures. stomachache toothache fever cough headache back pain __________ headache

7 Tick the activities you did before. stomachache toothache fever cough headache back pain __________ cough

8 Tick the activities you did before. stomachache toothache fever cough headache back pain _______________ stomachache

9 Tick the activities you did before. stomachache toothache fever cough headache back pain _______________ toothache

10 Tick the activities you did before. stomachache toothache fever cough headache back pain __________ fever

11 Tick the activities you did before. stomachache toothache fever cough headache back pain _____________ back pain

12 Listen and order the pictures. 3 B A 4 C D The correct order: 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ A 3 BD 4 C

13 Listening material 1.Mr.johnson drank too much. He now has a headache.too much 2.Bill played computer games all night. He felt pain in his back. 3.Jim had a bad cough. He went to see a doctor. 4.It was cold yesterday, but Jenny wore a skirt. She has a fever now.

14 Differences too much: 作为形容词词组,意为 “ 太多的 ” , 用来修饰不可数名词 Eg. We two have too much work to do. much too: 作为副词词组,意为 “ 太 …” ,修饰形 容词和副词 Eg. The question is much too difficult. too many: 作为形容词词组,意为 “ 太多的 ” ,用 来修饰可数名词复数 Eg.We have too many books.

15 Exercises 1. 你每天喝水太多。 You drink too much water every day. 2. 这个房间太小了。 This room is much too small. 3. 我有许多朋友。 I have too many friends.


17 Fill in the blanks Receptionist: Good morning, Dr.Smith’s office Tom: Good morning, my name is Tom and I would like to _______1_________? Receptionist: _________2__________? Tom: I have a headache and _____3________. My eyes also hurt. Receptionist: How long have you felt this way? Tom: For about ____4_______? Receptionist: I see. Did you ____5____ late yesterday? Tom: yes, I played computer games ________6__________. Receptionist: OK, Dr. Smith is ___7_____ this afternoon. Will this be OK for you. Tom: OK, I will be there at 3. Thank you. make an appointment What’s wrong with you a bad back pain three hours stay up for the whole night free at 3

18 Listen and answer the questions. 1: Who is Tom talking to?_____________________ 2: Why is he making this phone call?_____________________ the receptionist of Dr. Smith’s office. Because he would like to make an appointment.

19 Listen again and complete the card. Appointment time Possible causes Symptoms ( 症状 ) Patient Name Appointment Report Card Tom a headache, ________________, hurting eyes playing computer games _____________________________ a bad back pain at 3 this afternoon

20 Fill in the blanks Receptionist: Good morning, Dr.Smith’s office Tom: Good morning, my name is Tom and I would like to _______1_________? Receptionist: _________2__________? Tom: I have a headache and _____3________. My eyes also hurt. Receptionist: How long have you felt this way? Tom: For about ____4_______? Receptionist: I see. Did you ____5____ late yesterday? Tom: yes, I played computer games ________6__________. Receptionist: OK, Dr. Smith is ___7_____ this afternoon. Will this be OK for you. Tom: OK, I will be there at 3. Thank you. make an appointment What’s wrong with you a bad back pain three hours stay up for the whole night free at 3


22 summary New words: fever, cough, toothache, stomachache, headache, appointment…… Sentence structure: What’s wrong with you? I have a …… How long have you felt this way?

23 Homework 1.Go over all the words and expressions 2.Recite the dialogue


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