Stavanger, September 12 2007 Norwegian petroleum related R&D. ICRARD meeting Adviser Tor-Petter Johnsen.

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Presentation on theme: "Stavanger, September 12 2007 Norwegian petroleum related R&D. ICRARD meeting Adviser Tor-Petter Johnsen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stavanger, September 12 2007 Norwegian petroleum related R&D. ICRARD meeting Adviser Tor-Petter Johnsen

2 Topics of the Day  The Norwegian R&D structure  The Research Council  Petroleum-related research  OG21  PETROMAKS  Environmental Technology  HSE in the petroleum sector

3 The Research Council is: a government adviser identifying present and future needs for knowledge and research, and recommending national priorities a funding agency for research programmes and independent projects, strategic programmes at research institutions, and Norwegian participation in international research activities. The Research Council has an annual budget of some 5,5 billion NOK (1 billion US $) a co-ordinator initiating networks and promoting co-operation between research institutions, ministries, business and industry, public agencies and enterprises, other sources of funding, and users of research

4 Science Innovation Strategic Priorities

5 Division for Strategic Priorities Future technologies Marine Resources and the Environment Society and Public Policy Staff Division Director Energy and the Environment Global issues

6 An unique cooperation model Ministry of Education and Research TTA3..... OG 21 National strategy JIPs (Joint industry projects) Basic strategic research in petroleum Basic research, User driven research Pilot qualificatio n of technolog y TTA1 TTA2 Petromaks Strategic programs (RCN) Research council Time to commercialisation Ministry of Petroleum and Energy Demo2000 Organisational line Strategic guidelines

7 OG21 – Oil and gas in the 21th century  OG21 is expected to result in a new overall technology strategy, leading to more concerted and focused efforts in research and technology development, and thereby promoting more efficient and timely results.  The Norwegian authorities also recognised that the petroleum industry identifies technology as the single most important factor for reducing costs and enhancing the competitiveness of Norway’s oil and gas activities. Technology will also be crucial for resolving the considerable challenges facing Norway's petroleum industry.  The goal of OG21 is to:  increase value creation on the NCS  increase the export of Norwegian technology

8 OG21 – Oil and gas in the 21th century Sustainable development and zero harm to people and environment Increased reserve replacement Increased hydrocarbon recovery Cost effective technologies for arctic developments Development of marginal fields (deepwater, small fields, etc) Increased value creation from gas Competence development and increased recruitment Increased export of technology Technology target areas Key Challenges Develop new technology for maximum value creation from NCS Increased export of technology A sustainable petroleum industry for the next 100 years based on collaboration with respect to knowledge and technology Environmental technology for the future Exploration and reservoir characterisation Enhanced recovery Cost effective drilling and intervention Integrated operations and RTRM Subsea processing and transportation Deep water and subsea production technology Gas technologies Main Objectives Vision

9 National Research Strategy  OG21  OG21 is a Task Force established by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (MPE) of Norway in 2001 to help the petroleum industry formulate a national technology strategy for added value and competitive advantage in the oil and gas industry.  PETROMAKS  PETROMAKS is the largest single program in the Research Council and covers both long-term basic research and applied research.  DEMO2000  DEMO 2000 finances projects that accelerate the uptake of new technology by bridging the gap between research, development and implementation.  SkatteFunn  SkatteFunn is a tax deduction scheme that offers Norwegian enterprises up to 20 per cent tax deductions of their R&D expenses.

10 Total public R&D budget Norwegian petroleum sector

11 PETROMAKS is the umbrella for most of the petroleum-oriented research supported by the Research Council

12 PETROMAKS Goals  Find more oil and gas  Produce more oil and gas  Innovation in supply industry  Efficient and environmental safe operations  Budget 2007: 350 mill NOK – 45 mill Euros  Project portfolio including industry funding: 2,1 BNOK

13 Key operating figures in PETROMAKS 2007  163 running projects  Approx 60 projects with international participation  Approx 130 phd’s financed, another 115 to be started during 2007

14 Projects per Target Area

15 Environmental technology  Proposal for new initiative at national level from three governement agencies  Environmental technology in the Research Council  Clean Energy  Marine and coastal environment  General support for technology development  Environmental technology in PETROMAKS  Produced water  Environmental monitoring  Oilspill handling

16 HSE research supported by the Research Council  Health, Social science, sickness absence  The petroleum sector as a case study and source of knowledge to be applied in other sectors  Phase 1: 2002 – 2006; Phase 2: 2007 - 2011  Integration with the ”technical” R&D in PETROMAKS leads to higher degree of relevance and more efficient implementation of results  Integrated Operations  “Collaborative Decision Making in Integrated Operations”  “An Operation Center for Design, Implementation and Testing of New Work Processes for Real-Time Reservoir and Production Management”  Safety; technical and organisational  Disaster preparedness

17 HSE in PETROMAKS Safety  Building Safety in Petroleum Exploration and Production in the Northern Regions  Emergency handling in centres of coordination  Risk Modelling, Integration of Organisational, Human and Technical factors  Safety offshore for hearing and voice communication Culture  A comparative study of HSE-culture - Norwegian Continental Shelf and UK Continental Shelf  Culture, crises and campaigns: a comparison  Effects of "Paperwork management" and Integrated Operations on managerial practice and HSE offshore: a comparative study

18 HSE in PETROMAKS Health  A pilot study of acute health effects from hydraulic oils  Practical methods for measurement, surveillance and calculation of chemical exposure from fume and vapor from drilling fluids.  New methods and technology for preventing noise induced hearing loss at offshore platforms - Field experiments and data analysis  Shift work and Health in the Norwegian Petroleum Sector: Employees' Work-Personal Life Integration  Coping with shiftwork: An empirical study among offshore and onshore petroleum workers in Norway.  Robust Regulation in the petroleum sector

19 HSE in PETROMAKS  New initiative  Working hours and health  Longitudinal resarch  Cooperative effort  Basis for studies in other sectors  Organize a national effort  Chemical exposure  Long term effects  Specific substances

20 Challenges for future R&D Environment  Climate change  Zero emission  Arctic conditions R&D Capacity  Technology  Competence HSE  Work & health  Chemicals  Work processes

21 Thank you for your attention! Meeting the needs of the new working leisure class?

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