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Responsibly Fresh FOOD SCP Round Table Brussels, November 21 th 2012 Philippe Appeltans Secretary general Association of Belgian Horticultural Co-operatives.

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Presentation on theme: "Responsibly Fresh FOOD SCP Round Table Brussels, November 21 th 2012 Philippe Appeltans Secretary general Association of Belgian Horticultural Co-operatives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Responsibly Fresh FOOD SCP Round Table Brussels, November 21 th 2012 Philippe Appeltans Secretary general Association of Belgian Horticultural Co-operatives

2 Turnover VBT-members– 2011 € 277.092.659 € 408.403.237 Frozen vegetables € 75,3 million Fresh produce € 685,5 million

3 Vegetables Fruit & Vegetables Fruit

4 Vision on Sustainability Public issue -> Important Several initiatives and projects -> Mostly single topic Our conclusion 1. Broader – people, planet, profit 2. Basic requirement for market access

5 Path to sustainable development 1. Existing quality systems 2. Sectoral engagement 3. New sustainability label

6 Path to sustainable development 1. Existing quality systems Producers and producers’ cooperatives already comply with several systems Engagement: Further development of sustainability criteria in these systems

7 Path to sustainable development 2. Sectoral engagement Environmental friendly production – planet Broader content – planet, people, profit Engagement at three levels 1. Individual producer 2. Collective of producers in producers’ cooperatives 3. Individual producers’ cooperative

8 1. Individual producer -> Certified quality system(s) Several requirements External control by independent CB Periodic renewal Systems: ICQM, GlobalGAP Path to sustainable development

9 2. Collective of producers / cooperative -> Sustainability dossier Several requirements for producers Zero measurement and progression in time Periodical acualisation by cooperative VBT sectoral overviews Path to sustainable development

10 3. Individual producers cooperative -> Certificate Charter CSR Corporate social responsibility Concrete action points on common themes External evaluation and audit Yearly renewal Charters: provinces and/or VOKA Path to sustainable development

11 3. New sustainability label Base: Environmental friendely production Translate sectoral engagement Capture full story Look attractive Path to sustainable development

12 New sustainability label

13 New sustainability label


15 Launch FruitLogistica Berlin

16 Winner 2012 GlobalGAP Award

17 Finally Sustainability Sustainable development -> Sustainable development is a verb

18 THX for your attention…. Time for… Exchange of Views

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