 BEA Local Area Personal Income and Employment county data (2001-2009), 04/21/2011 release.  Estimates of detailed employment and wage data for the.

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2  BEA Local Area Personal Income and Employment county data (2001-2009), 04/21/2011 release.  Estimates of detailed employment and wage data for the states of Michigan, Nevada, and Texas (2001- 2009) was provided by Don Grimes of the University of Michigan.  BEA State Personal Income and Employment state and national data (1990-2009), 03/23/2011 release.  BLS Employment Projections national data (1993- 2008 and 2018), 12/11/2009 release.  RSQE national forecast (2010-2013), 06/30/2011 release.

3  BEA Local Area Population county data (1990-2009), 04/21/2011 release.  Census Population by age, sex, race, component of change county data (1990-2009).  BLS Labor Force county data (1990-2009).  CDC birth rate state data (1990-2008).  Census natality rate, survival rate, and net international migrant national data and forecast (1999-2100).  BLS Participation Rate national data and forecast (1990-2050).

4  Forecast period extended to 2060  Integrated Custom Industry policy variables  New Regional Population Update  Improved data handling for Employment Update  Calculator enhancements  New Custom Units and Currency Types in results view  New industry NAICS labels  New Demographic policy variables

5  Last estimated July 2002 using 1972-2000 data and a standard OLS regression approach  New equation estimates separate responses for relative employment opportunity and relative real compensation rate, utilizing Instrumental Variable (IV) approach and data from 2001-2008

6 NewPrevious (for PI + v1.3) (from July 2002 work) Relative employment opportunity (REO)0.3030.280 Relative real compensation rate (RWR)0.4120.280

7  Last estimated February 2001 using 1974-1998 data  New equation based on 1995-2007 data NewPrevious (for PI + v1.3) (from February 2001 work) Residential Investment in Structures0.1280.097 Non-Residential Investment in Structures0.0640.070

8  Last estimated September 2001 using 1971-1998 data  Regional scaling factors estimated September 2007 using data from 1998-2004  New equation based on data for 1998-2004, intentionally aligning with previous regional scaling factor estimates, and avoiding recent housing price bubble and collapse

9 NewPrevious (for PI + v1.3) (from September 2001 work) Real Disposable Income Elasticity0.2110.322 Population Elasticity0.5480.429

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