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Presentation on theme: "ENGLISH -the WORLD LANGUAGE"— Presentation transcript:

is a language that came from nowhere to Conquer the World an unknown author


3 English – a mother tongue
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The United States of America Canada Australia New Zealand

4 English - an official or semiofficial language
South America Africa South-eastern Asia The former British colonies, nowadays Members of the British Commonwealth

5 English - an international language
The UN (United Nations Organization, New York, USA) International events (political, scientific,cultural,sport etc.)

6 English –a foreign language
Schools colleges universities courses

7 Lingua franca Ancient world Latin a dead language In science (biology, medicine) XXIst century English A modern language

8 Approximate 2007 figures World population 6.5 billion people
People speaking English as a first language ,000,000 People who often use English as an extra language ,000,000 (some experts say 1,000,000,000)

9 official/semiofficial international foreign modern widespread
English in the world a mother tongue official/semiofficial international foreign modern widespread

10 Listen to the text and say what is the text about
sea-faring history- история мореплавания contributors –внесшие вклад loanwords –заимствованные слова have been borrowed –были заимствованы was invaded –была захвачена were descended –произошли Fall to disuse –выходить из употребления Regained –вновь обрел Persian Arabic Scandinavian Danes Norwegians Danish King Canute William the Conqueror Normans Vikings

11 English - an international language
German French Chinese English Vocabulary Danish Italian Norwegian Persian Arabic

12 Sofa,alcohol,admiral,tea, Prime Minister,Government, window,dirty ,
Match the words and the languages they come from Sofa,alcohol,admiral,tea, Prime Minister,Government, window,dirty , Persian, Arabic,Chinese,French,Scandinavian sofa, alcohol, coffee, Prime Minister,Government,tea, pyjamas,call, die, get, skill, sky, egg, happy, ugly, take, them, window Persian Arabic Chinese French Scandinavian pyjamas Sofa,coffee,alcohol, admiral, tea Prime Minister, Government, Call,die,get, skill, sky, egg, happy, ugly, take, them window

13 Why Learn English? It is a subject in the curriculum
To study at a university/college To study/ work or live abroad To get a better job in the future To do business To read books, magazines and newspapers in English To understand films and songs in English To travel abroad To communicate with people of the world It is a chance to meet new people and friends

14 Homework P.152.ex 2. Read the text, write out all the new words and phrases, find other reasons of popularity of English in the world.

15 Learning English has a beginning but no end
H. Palmer English language methodologist

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