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Methods for Building Sentences. Sentence Types: 1. Simple Sentence 2. Compound Sentence 3. Complex Sentence 4. Complex-Compound Sentence 5. Sentence with.

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Presentation on theme: "Methods for Building Sentences. Sentence Types: 1. Simple Sentence 2. Compound Sentence 3. Complex Sentence 4. Complex-Compound Sentence 5. Sentence with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Methods for Building Sentences

2 Sentence Types: 1. Simple Sentence 2. Compound Sentence 3. Complex Sentence 4. Complex-Compound Sentence 5. Sentence with a Phrase

3 The Simple Sentence Ralph forgot to balance his checkbook.

4 simple sentence + simple sentence= The Compound Sentence Ralph forgot to balance his checkbook. His rent check bounced. ; joining word

5 The Compound Sentence Ralph forgot to balance his checkbook, __ his rent check bounced. so

6 The Complex Sentence The police raided the house. The party ended. Add a Dependent Word

7 The Complex Sentence _____ the police raided the house, the party ended. After

8 The Complex Sentence My parents divorced in 1995. My parents got remarried in 2002. Add a “Hidden” Dependent Word

9 The Complex Sentence My parents, who divorced in 1995, got remarried in 2002.

10 Practice 1: Use a hidden dependent word Jack is allergic to shellfish. Jack never eats oysters. that which who when where

11 Jack, who is allergic to shellfish, never eats oysters.

12 The truck was full of oranges. The truck turned over on the freeway. that which who when where

13 The truck that was full of oranges, turned over on the freeway.

14 My parents were married in the church. The church burned down. that which who when where

15 The church where my parents were married burned down.

16 Complex Sentences: Compound Sentences: and / or but / yet so / for nor ; since / because although before / after when / while if / even if until / unless that / which who/when/where how / why

17 The Complex-Compound Sentence When my sister parked the car, she forgot to use the parking brake, so the car rolled down the driveway. My sister parked the car. She forgot to use the parking brake. The car rolled own the driveway.

18 The old cat developed cancer. The vet recommended putting it down. The owner insisted on keeping it alive. After the old cat developed cancer, the vet recommended putting it down, but the owner insisted on keeping it alive.

19 The running shoes cost ninety dollars. I decided to wait for a sale. My father offered to buy them for my birthday. Since the running shoes cost ninety dollars, I decided to wait for a sale, but my father offered to buy them for my birthday.

20 Sentence Types: 1. Simple Sentence 2. Compound Sentence 3. Complex Sentence 4. Complex-Compound Sentence 5. Sentence with a Phrase

21 Practice 2: Start the sentence with a phrase -prepositional phrase -”-ly” word (conjunctive adverb) -”-ing” phrase (present participle) -”to” phrase (infinitive phrase) -”-ed” phrase (past participle)

22 Start with an ”ing” phrase. My dog howls at the moon. My dog wakes up all the neighbors. Howling at the moon, my dog wakes up all the neighbors.

23 Start with an ”ing” phrase. The rocket exploded on take-off. The rocket shattered into a million pieces. Exploding on take-off, the rocket shattered into a million pieces.

24 Start with an ”ed” phrase. The notice was posted on the class- room door. The notice was read by all the students. Posted on the classroom door, the notice was read by all the students.

25 Start with an ”ed” phrase. Your luggage must be checked by a security guard. Your luggage can be carried on board. Checked by a security guard, your luggage can be carried on board.

26 Start with an ”ed” phrase. The meat was left on the counter. The meat spoiled. Left on the counter,the meat spoiled.

27 Start with a ”to” phrase. Brad Pitt needed to gain weight for the film. He ate a lot of carbohydrates. To gain weight for the film, Brad Pitt ate a lot of carbohydrates.

28 Start with a ”to” phrase. Ms. Bell wanted to encourage students to enter the contest. She offered a cash prize. To encourage students to enter the contest, Ms. Bell offered a cash prize.

29 Start with an “-ly” word. Mary announced that she would not let anyone use her car. She was selfish. Selfishly, Mary announced that she would not let anyone use her car.

30 Start with an “-ly” word. The nuns were not robbed when they left the motel door unlocked. They were lucky. Luckily, the nuns were not robbed when they left the motel door unlocked.

31 Start with an “-ly” word. John missed his mother’s birthday and Mother’s Day. He was thoughtless. Thoughtlessly, John missed his mother’s birthday and Mother’s Day.

32 Start with a Prepositional Phrase My family takes vacations. We go in the summer. We stay in Las Vegas. In the summer, my family takes vacations in Las Vegas.

33 Agnes practices the piano. She practices at 6:00 PM. She practices for one hour. At 6:00 PM, Agnes practices the piano for one hour.

34 My sister works from midnight to morning. She works in a coffee shop. She works as a waitress. From midnight to morning, m y sister works as a waitress in a coffee shop.

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