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Term II Quarterly Review. Three Branches of Government The three Branches are the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.

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Presentation on theme: "Term II Quarterly Review. Three Branches of Government The three Branches are the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Term II Quarterly Review

2 Three Branches of Government The three Branches are the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial

3 Federalism The idea that power is shared between the national and state governments

4 Tariff of 1789 The United States needed to raise money to run the government.

5 Alexander Hamilton He wanted the government to take over loans from the Revolutionary war so that people would want the new government of the United States to succeed.

6 Pinckney's treaty The major Accomplishment of Pinckney's treaty was that the United States was able to use the Mississippi River and New Orleans.

7 Louisiana Territory When Jefferson convinced the Congress to purchase the Louisiana Territory it doubled the size of the United States

8 Political Parties The 2 major Parties during the presidencies of Jefferson and Adams was the Democratic- Republicans and the Federalist

9 Alien and Sedition Acts Passed during the Adam’s Presidency they limited immigration and made it illegal to lie about gov’t officials

10 Indian removal act The forced removal of Native American from the southeastern United States

11 Monroe doctrine Declared that western hemisphere is off limits for European colonization

12 Impressments The act of forcing people into military service

13 Judicial Review The power of the courts to decide the constitutionality of laws

14 Enumerated powers The powers of the federal government that are mentioned specifically in the constitution

15 George Washington's Farwell address He warned us about the formation of political parties and alliances with foreign nations

16 Spoils system Jackson gave government jobs to his supporters

17 Quasi war A naval war between the French and the United States

18 Kentucky resolutions Introduced the theory of nullification

19 Election of 1800 It was significant because power was switched between political parties without bloodshed.

20 Whiskey rebellion President Washington sent troops to Pennsylvania to put down a rebellion

21 Lewis and clark They were hired by President Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Purchase

22 embargo When a government bans trade with another country

23 Star-Spangled banner Written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812

24 War HaWKS Senators who wanted to go to war with England prior to the War of 1812

25 nationalism Intense love for one’s country extreme patriotism

26 Protective tariff Tax on imports designed to support manufacturers

27 Trail of tears Forced removal of the Cherokee Nation to the Oklahoma

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