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Invasive Species.

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Presentation on theme: "Invasive Species."— Presentation transcript:

1 Invasive Species

2 What is an Invasive Species?
Plants, Animals or Micro-organisms that are introduced into an environment to which it is not native and causes harm. Cows and some ornamental flowers are not native to all areas but are not invasive because they do not cause damage.

3 Brown Tree Snake Came to US on ships from Guam after WWII
Kills off species with its tremendous appetite

4 Examples of why species are introduced to a new area
Some plants used to control soil erosion Ornamental plants used in landscaping around homes European birds were brought to the US to make colonists feel at home Fish used to stock ponds/streams for game fishing Exotic pets escaping or being released

5 Indian Myna Native of India Introduced to world to control insects
Takes over ecosystems and reduces biodiversity

6 How do Invasive Species Enter a New Environment?
Illegal or legal importing Exotic Pets Travelers Weather Patterns Tides Water Current Migratory Animals

7 An Invasive Species of PA
Zebra Mussel Accidentally released by boats Eats native organisms’ food sources Clogs pipes and attaches itself to boats and animals

8 Zebra Mussels

9 Another PA Invasive Species
Hemlock Wooly Adelgid Small insect Accidentally introduced from Japan/China Kills Hemlock trees which are used for providing habitat and shading streams for fish

10 What is effected by the Invading Species?
Biodiversity Agriculture Forests Lakes, Ponds, Rivers, Streams, Ocean Environment Health Economy

11 Why are they harmful? They have no natural enemies
Reproduce quickly and freely Use natural resources intended for the native organisms Destroy Crops Alter the Food Chain Force out native species

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