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What shouldn’t be there!. Invasive or Exotic Species are organisms that have been introduced into an environment. It does not naturally occur in a specific.

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Presentation on theme: "What shouldn’t be there!. Invasive or Exotic Species are organisms that have been introduced into an environment. It does not naturally occur in a specific."— Presentation transcript:

1 What shouldn’t be there!

2 Invasive or Exotic Species are organisms that have been introduced into an environment. It does not naturally occur in a specific area and whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health. Exotic species are constantly being introduced to new locations in Canada. These species can be very bad for Canada’s native species and our economy

3 Exotic species die out, leaving no permanent impact. They can grow out of control and interfere with native ecosystems. They can dominate and drive native species to extinction.

4 1. Accidental: The species is introduced un-intentially without prompting from humans Example: aquatic species can arrive attached to ships carried in the bilge water (water used to lower or raise ships in the water) new canals are built, allowing species to make their way around barriers that previously stopped their spread. arriving in imported goods.


6 2. Intentional: Purposely introduced (usually for food or decorative purposes). sport fish most tree species found on city streets apples and potatoes

7 Remember, as technology increases: global population increases time to travel the globe decreases exotic species from around the world are brought home

8 Dutch elm disease purple loosestrife zebra mussels sea lampreys Starlings an estimated 800 of the 5 000 plant species







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