UNSD Water Questionnaire Supply and Use. Questionnaire Design Keep it simple Keep the number of questions to a useful minimum –Ask for the most useful.

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Presentation on theme: "UNSD Water Questionnaire Supply and Use. Questionnaire Design Keep it simple Keep the number of questions to a useful minimum –Ask for the most useful."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNSD Water Questionnaire Supply and Use

2 Questionnaire Design Keep it simple Keep the number of questions to a useful minimum –Ask for the most useful information –Ask for information for which we will get a response Use intuitive layout –Water cycle Renewable Fresh Water resources Water abstraction by source Water Use by Supply Category and Activities Waste Water Treatment…

3 Abstraction, Supply and Use Households Agriculture, fishing and forestry Manufacturing industries Production of electricity Other economic activities Abstraction for deliveryDirect Abstraction and UseDeliveryWater Use Surface Water Ground Water Surface Water Ground Water Surface Water Ground Water Surface Water Ground Water Surface Water Ground Water Surface Water Ground Water Desalinization Imports Reuse Abstraction Other Sources ISIC 41 Use from the economy Use from the environment Supply by economy

4 Water Abstraction and Water Use ISIC 41 Losses Abstraction for deliveryDirect Abstraction and UseDeliveryWater Use

5 UNSD Table W3 UNSD Table W3: Water Use by Supply Category and Activities Total public water supply (ISIC 41) (1) of which used by: All economic activities Agriculture, forestry, fishing (ISIC 01-05) of which for irrigation Manufacturing industries (ISIC 15-37) Production and distribution of electricity (ISIC 40) Other economic activities Households Self-supply (2) Other supply (3) Total water supply (4) = (1)+(2)+(3) Water losses during transport Population connected to public water supply From other economic units (not ISIC 41) From the environment Use of water from the economy – supplied by ISIC 41 Supply from ISIC41

6 Eurostat/OECD Table 3.2 Eurostat/OECD Water Use by Industrial Activities Public water supply (23) Total manufacturing industry of which used by: - food processing industry - basic metals - transport equipment - textiles - paper and paper products - chemicals, refined petroleum, etc. - other manufacturing industry n.e.c. Mining and quarrying Construction Use Supply

7 Eurostat/OECD Table 3.2 Cont. Eurostat/OECD Water Use by Industrial Activities Self supply (24) Total manufacturing industry of which used by: - food processing industry - basic metals - transport equipment - textiles - paper and paper products - chemicals, refined petroleum, etc. - other manufacturing industry n.e.c. Mining and quarrying Construction Use from the environment

8 UNSD Table W2 UNSD Table W2: Water Abstraction by Source Total fresh surface water abstracted (1) by: Public supply (ISIC 41) Agriculture, fishing and forestry (ISIC 01-05) of which for Irrigation Manufacturing industries (ISIC 15-37) Production of electricity (ISIC 40) Other economic activities Households Assumption: Most of this abstraction will be used by the industry making the abstraction

9 UNSD Table W2 Cont. UNSD Table W2: Water Abstraction by Source Total fresh ground water abstracted (2) by: Public supply (ISIC 41) Agriculture, fishing and forestry (ISIC 01-05) of which for Irrigation Manufacturing industries (ISIC 15-37) Production of electricity (ISIC 40) Other economic activities Households Assumption: Most of this abstraction will be used by the industry making the abstraction

10 Eurostat/OECD Table 3.1 Eurostat/OECD Water Use by Supply Category Public water supply (23). Population connected to public water supply (%) TOTAL of which used by: * Agriculture, forestry, fishing * All industrial activities -Total manufacturing industries _ of which for cooling purposes -Production and distribution of electricity _ of which for cooling purposes * Domestic sector -households -other activities Use

11 Eurostat/OECD Table 3.1 Cont. Eurostat/OECD Water Use by Supply Category Self supply (24) TOTAL of which used by: * Agriculture, forestry, fishing of which for : Irrigation purposes (27) * All industrial activities -Total manufacturing industries _ of which for cooling purposes -Production and distribution of electricity _ of which for cooling purposes * Domestic sector -households -other activities Use from the environment

12 Eurostat/OECD Table 3.1 Cont. Eurostat/OECD Water Use by Supply Category Other supply (25). TOTAL of which used to: * Agriculture, forestry, fishing of which for : Irrigation purposes (27) Losses during transport (32). TOTAL Evaporation losses Leakage

13 2006 Water Questionnaire Layout –Intuitive and easy to –Minimize misunderstandings and ambiguity Content –Harmonize concepts and definitions to international norms –Focus on most important information for which we will get a reasonable response rate

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