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Air dry your clothes – Drying clothes on a clothesline outside can save 700 lbs of carbon dioxide per year. Change light bulbs to fluorescent light bulbs.

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Presentation on theme: "Air dry your clothes – Drying clothes on a clothesline outside can save 700 lbs of carbon dioxide per year. Change light bulbs to fluorescent light bulbs."— Presentation transcript:


2 Air dry your clothes – Drying clothes on a clothesline outside can save 700 lbs of carbon dioxide per year. Change light bulbs to fluorescent light bulbs Replacing just three frequently used bulbs in your home can save 300 pounds of carbon dioxide and $60 a year. Fluorescent light bulbs use 66% less energy than regular light bulbs. Keeping a water heater thermostat at no higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit saves money and reduces emissions. Switching to a tankless water heater save 300 lbs of carbon dioxide and $390 per year.

3 Showering is two thirds of all water heating bills. If you shorten your shower time you could save up to 350 lbs of co2 per year. Installing a low-flow shower head also will save another 350 lbs of co2 per year. Unplug appliances - Even when a plugged in electronic appliance is turned off, it still uses energy. If you unplug them when not in use it will save more than 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide and $256 a year. Adjust the thermostat - Just two degrees up in summer and two degrees down in winter can save a 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide and $98 a year.

4 Buy Organic and Local Foods and Plant Trees The chemicals used in much of modern agriculture pollute the water supply and require energy to produce. Local foods also reduce the amount of energy required to drive your products to the store. Plant a tree Trees help suck up the carbon dioxide, provide cleaner air, and save 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.

5 Get a hybrid car The average hybrid driver could save 16,000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year and also save $3,750 in gas money per year. Inflate car tires and change the air filter monthly. Tires that aren't properly inflated can waste as much as 250 pounds of carbon dioxide a year and $840 in gas money. A bad air filter can also waste 800 pounds of carbon dioxide and $130 a year.

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