PLAN AND ORGANISE ASSESSMENT. By the end of this session, you will have an understanding of what is assessment, competency based assessment, assessment.

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2 By the end of this session, you will have an understanding of what is assessment, competency based assessment, assessment methods and what is evidence. By the end of this session, you will have an understanding of what is assessment, competency based assessment, assessment methods and what is evidence.

3 INTRODUCTION People are assessed at all stages of their life. People are assessed at all stages of their life. Parents assess their child’s development. Parents assess their child’s development. Teachers assess you at school. Teachers assess you at school. At work supervisors & managers assess you. At work supervisors & managers assess you. You are assessed at job interviews. You are assessed at job interviews. Your sporting team coach assesses you! Your sporting team coach assesses you!

4 INTRODUCTION Assessment is a process applied in different contexts. Assessment is a process applied in different contexts. As trainers we assess to determine if the content of our training has been learned & is being applied. As trainers we assess to determine if the content of our training has been learned & is being applied. As workplace assessors we conduct assessments in the workplace to confirm a candidate’s competence. As workplace assessors we conduct assessments in the workplace to confirm a candidate’s competence.

5 INTRODUCTION We must at all times, maintain the principles of assessment & deliver a fair & equitable process. We must at all times, maintain the principles of assessment & deliver a fair & equitable process. Validity & reliability underpin these principles. Validity & reliability underpin these principles. Finally, assessments must be integrated with the development & design of the training program. Finally, assessments must be integrated with the development & design of the training program.


7 Assessment is about measuring ability to see if a person has reached the stated outcomes of a course. Assessment is about measuring ability to see if a person has reached the stated outcomes of a course. It is related to learners and linked to performance. It is related to learners and linked to performance.

8 WHAT IS ASSESSMENT? Assessment is based on the gathering & judging of evidence about the performance of individuals. Assessment is based on the gathering & judging of evidence about the performance of individuals. Assessment may involve taking a representative sample of items to assess. Assessment may involve taking a representative sample of items to assess.

9 WHAT IS ASSESSMENT? Assessment is important for 3 main reasons: - For the trainer; it provides a check to verify if learning has taken place in accordance with the course outcomes. - For learners; assessment provides feedback as to how they are going. - For parties who want to know if people have attained skills & knowledge to required standards.

10 Purpose of Assessment Assessment can provide people with important feedback. Assessment can provide people with important feedback. Assessment will judge people’s knowledge, skills & attitudes. Assessment will judge people’s knowledge, skills & attitudes. It is NEVER a judgement of the individual worth of a person. It is NEVER a judgement of the individual worth of a person.

11 Purpose of Assessment Assessment should not be dominated by the assessor. Assessment should not be dominated by the assessor. In fact the candidate should be encouraged to participate in the process as much as possible. In fact the candidate should be encouraged to participate in the process as much as possible.

12 Characteristics of Assessment Subjective assessment: - Opinions & feelings. Objective assessment: - Processes & specific standards or criteria.

13 Characteristics of Assessment The goal of assessment is to work towards the objective end as much as possible to reduce the degree of opinions & feelings. The goal of assessment is to work towards the objective end as much as possible to reduce the degree of opinions & feelings. A degree of subjectivity during assessment is inevitable. A degree of subjectivity during assessment is inevitable.

14 Characteristics of Assessment THERE ARE FOUR TYPES OF ASSESSMENT:

15 Characteristics of Assessment DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT Diagnostic assessment is used to determine education and training needs. Diagnostic assessment is used to determine education and training needs.

16 Characteristics of Assessment RECOGNITION OF LEARNING This is the recognition of competencies obtained through previous or current training, work and/or life experience. This is the recognition of competencies obtained through previous or current training, work and/or life experience.

17 Characteristics of Assessment FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Formative assessment takes place over a period of learning or practice. Formative assessment takes place over a period of learning or practice.

18 Characteristics of Assessment SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Summative assessment occurs at the end of a period of learning or practice. Summative assessment occurs at the end of a period of learning or practice.

19 COMPETENCY BASED ASSESSMENT VALIDITY A valid assessment assesses what it claims to assess. A valid assessment assesses what it claims to assess.

20 COMPETENCY BASED ASSESSMENT RELIABILITY A reliable assessment shows consistent results from one assessment to the next. A reliable assessment shows consistent results from one assessment to the next.

21 COMPETENCY BASED ASSESSMENT FAIRNESS A fair assessment will not disadvantage anyone. A fair assessment will not disadvantage anyone.

22 COMPETENCY BASED ASSESSMENT FLEXIBILITY Flexible assessment accommodates all delivery modes, delivery sites and the needs of learners. Flexible assessment accommodates all delivery modes, delivery sites and the needs of learners.

23 Assessment Methods The many assessment methods available to trainers can be grouped into 2 categories: The many assessment methods available to trainers can be grouped into 2 categories: 1. Knowledge - This measures the knowledge which learner have gained as a result of training. have gained as a result of training. 2. Practical Skills Assessments. - These represent the application of knowledge to a given situation & usually can be seen. a given situation & usually can be seen.

24 Assessment Methods Practical skills need some knowledge base in order for them to be executed. Practical skills need some knowledge base in order for them to be executed. This is called underpinning knowledge. This is called underpinning knowledge.

25 Assessment Methods Assessment items need to assess both knowledge & skills to determine competency. Assessment items need to assess both knowledge & skills to determine competency. When all aspects of knowledge & skills are incorporated into one assessment activity, this is known as a holistic assessment. When all aspects of knowledge & skills are incorporated into one assessment activity, this is known as a holistic assessment.

26 4 Main Assessment Types Real Work: Real Work: - Assessment which takes place while the learner is performing real work. performing real work.

27 4 Main Assessment Types Simulated Work: Simulated Work: - Assessment which is as similar as possible to a work task but performed off-the-job.

28 4 Main Assessment Types Written: Written: - Assessment which involves learners responding in a written form to demonstrate what they know.

29 4 Main Assessment Types Oral: Oral: - Assessment where learners speak about what they know. Activity 3 – Assessment Tasks, pg. 139 (Tovey). Activity 4 – Advantages & Limitations


31 EVIDENCE Assessments away from the workplace should not be too dissimilar to the actual workplace. Assessments away from the workplace should not be too dissimilar to the actual workplace. Aspects to consider should be: - Location - Timings - Resources - Costs - Materials - OH&S - Other personnel involved in the support of the assessment.

32 WHAT IS EVIDENCE? In the CBA system, evidence is something that supports the candidate’s claim of competency. In the CBA system, evidence is something that supports the candidate’s claim of competency.

33 WHAT IS EVIDENCE? Evidence is collected through a range of activities to confirm competency such as: Evidence is collected through a range of activities to confirm competency such as: - Products that are made - Processes that are carried out - Underpinning knowledge & understanding - Underpinning attitudes applied to activities.

34 Types of Evidence There are 3 types of evidence: There are 3 types of evidence: 1. Direct: The evidence is obtained through direct observation by the assessor of the candidate. 2. Indirect: When it is not possible or desirable to directly observe the candidate. 3. Supplementary: The evidence is used when additional evidence is required by the assessor.

35 RULES OF EVIDENCE VALID: Evidence gathered should meet the requirements of the unit of competency. Evidence gathered should meet the requirements of the unit of competency.

36 RULES OF EVIDENCE SUFFICIENT: Sufficient evidence must be gathered to satisfy that the candidate is competent across all elements of the competency standard. Sufficient evidence must be gathered to satisfy that the candidate is competent across all elements of the competency standard.

37 RULES OF EVIDENCE AUTHENTIC: The assessor must be satisfied that the evidence is the work of the candidate. The assessor must be satisfied that the evidence is the work of the candidate.

38 RULES OF EVIDENCE CURRENT: The evidence must relate to current competencies. The evidence must relate to current competencies.


40 Performing at an acceptable level of skill Performing at an acceptable level of skill Managing a number of different tasks Managing a number of different tasks Responding appropriately when things go wrong. Responding appropriately when things go wrong.

41 DIMENSIONS OF COMPETENCE Fulfilling workplace expectations and responsibilities Fulfilling workplace expectations and responsibilities Transferring skills and knowledge to new situations and contexts. Transferring skills and knowledge to new situations and contexts.

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