Hertfordshire County Council www.hertsdirect.org Autism Scrutiny - Education Debbie Orton Head of Integrated Services for Learning Children’s Services.

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1 Hertfordshire County Council www.hertsdirect.org Autism Scrutiny - Education Debbie Orton Head of Integrated Services for Learning Children’s Services 7 November 2014

2 Hertfordshire County Council www.hertsdirect.org Challenges – across the country Increasing number of children identified with autism Needs and profiles are very diverse across the population Autism may be missed as it is not as visible in able, passive children School can be one of the most demanding environments if you have autism

3 Hertfordshire County Council www.hertsdirect.org Challenges – across the country Reduction in support services and therapists No robust evidence on which interventions or settings are best for any individual But growing consensus from experience of what makes a positive difference………. Adult style, physical and sensory environments, stress reduction, using special interests, listening to the pupils

4 Hertfordshire County Council www.hertsdirect.org Local Context Children with autism are educated in all types of schools and settings Educational support services include EPs, specialist teachers, outreach from special schools, early years specialists £12.66m is spent on placements for 714 children with ASD who live in Hertfordshire with statements/EHC plans/ exceptional needs in mainstream schools

5 Hertfordshire County Council www.hertsdirect.org Aims of the DSPL Autism Review To identify key issues, concerns and successes in the education of children with autism To consider how to enhance provision and increase a school’s capacity to take a wider range of children To make best use of resources To clarify the Hertfordshire offer and continuum of provision  Universal  Targeted  Specialist

6 Hertfordshire County Council www.hertsdirect.org Sources of Information Staff in mainstream and special schools and settings Support services Parents and carers Data on placements made for children with Autism in each DSPL Area Literature on autism and interventions Survey data from schools and colleges

7 Hertfordshire County Council www.hertsdirect.org 3 Phases of the Review Phase 1 - discussions and surveys with parents and professionals to identify key issues Phase 3 – Draw together the work and make recommendations

8 Hertfordshire County Council www.hertsdirect.org Phase 2 3 DSPL Areas are undertaking 4 tasks based on key issues identified from Phase 1 1.Whole school practice 2.Parental engagement 3.Understanding and managing behaviour 4.Analysing information about placements

9 Hertfordshire County Council www.hertsdirect.org Others areas of work being explored Provision for children who find mainstream school very difficult Training How best to use support services FE and post 16 Information for families and professionals

10 Hertfordshire County Council www.hertsdirect.org Phase 3 All the information from Phase 1 and 2 and other areas of work will be collated identifying: the key issues good practice how provision can be enhanced A report with recommendations will be completed by April 2015 This review links with the all age ASD strategy

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