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1  Creation 2  Creation and Mandate for Man 3  Fall of Mankind: Blessing Lost, Seed Cursed, Land Cursed. 4 -5  Murder, Sin and Death (“and he.

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Presentation on theme: "1  Creation 2  Creation and Mandate for Man 3  Fall of Mankind: Blessing Lost, Seed Cursed, Land Cursed. 4 -5  Murder, Sin and Death (“and he."— Presentation transcript:




4 1  Creation 2  Creation and Mandate for Man 3  Fall of Mankind: Blessing Lost, Seed Cursed, Land Cursed. 4 -5  Murder, Sin and Death (“and he died, and he died,.... “) 6-8  Judgment-Salvation (Flood) 9  New World Contract / Civil Authority (Government) 10  Depravity Endures after the Flood 11  Tower of Babel  Fracturing of Mankind into “the Nations” Setting up for Abraham: Genesis 1-11

5  Abraham: Abrahamic Covenant: Land, Seed, Blessing (Gen. 12)  Captivity in Egypt & Exodus (Deliverance) (Gen. 37 – Exodus 14)  Sinai – The Law / Mosaic Covenant (Exodus 19-20)  Palestinian Covenant (Deuteronomy 30)  Conquest & Settlement (Joshua)  Judges (Judges 1-2)  Priesthood (1 Samuel 2)  Monarchy (1 Samuel 8)  Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7-8)  New Covenant (Jeremiah 31) Abraham – Jeremiah: Genesis 12 - Jeremiah 31

6 CREATION: Sovereign Creator had a plan that He will Accomplish  WONT FAIL CREATION of MAN: Innocence, Conscience & Self Control (even in Paradise)  WONT FAIL FALL of MAN: Led into Rebellion by the enemy of GodNO FLOOD: The destruction of Sinful man results in Death unless God Saves Some.NO CIVIL AUTHORITY (GOVERNMENT): Restrains and Punishes evil in societyNO BABEL  NATIONALISM: Dividing the culture to complicate complicity in sin.NO ABRAHAM  EXODUS: God’s chosen Nation, Delivered & Instructed & ProtectedNO EXODUS  Deliverance from Bondage and Slavery in the Kingdom of ManNO SINAI  God’s revelation of Divine Society and Ideal GovernmentNO CONQUEST OF THE LAND  Israel led by Joshua into the Promised LandNO JUDGES  God’s provision through the JudgesNO PRIESTHOOD  Mediators between God & ManNO KINGDOM  God’ Provision of a King after His Own HeartNO NEW HEART  A new creation by God in the Soul of Man is the only Solution  WONT FAIL  Leads to the Church of the Living God  WONT FAIL What will Save Man?


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