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Paragraphs to Essays 3 PEARSO N Alice Oshima | Ann Hogue Longman Academic Writing Series.

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Presentation on theme: "Paragraphs to Essays 3 PEARSO N Alice Oshima | Ann Hogue Longman Academic Writing Series."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paragraphs to Essays 3 PEARSO N Alice Oshima | Ann Hogue Longman Academic Writing Series

2 Ch7 Cause / Effect Paragraphs 1

3 2

4 3 Use what you have learned about prefixes to write new words. Then write the meanings of the words. inescapable not able to escape, not able to avoid or get away from misunderstand outgrow preexisting readjust subconscious uninvolved wrong understanding grow and exceed the size of something (e.g., clothing) exist before adjust again, make additional changes below consciousness, not aware, not realizing not involved, not participating

5 Ch7 Cause / Effect Paragraphs 4 Circle the topic sentence that best presents the topic and controlling idea. Then write it on the line. a.The problem of not getting enough exercise has three basic causes. b.Getting enough exercise is a problem for many people. c.A lack of physical exercise can have negative effects on people’s health d.Playing sports is an excellent way to get exercise. The problem of not getting enough exercise has three basic causes.

6 Ch7 Cause / Effect Paragraphs 5 a.There are several causes for the success of McDonald’s b.McDonald’s changed how advertising is done. c.Hamburgers are popular around the world because of McDonald’s. d.McDonald’s has had significant and widespread effects. McDonald’s has had significant and widespread effects. Circle the topic sentence that best presents the topic and controlling idea. Then write it on the line.

7 Ch7 Cause / Effect Paragraphs 6 Make a detailed outline of the paragraph. Use full sentences for main points and phrases for supporting details. The most obvious benefit has been excellent exercise from Bikes. better health and well-being enjoyment of Parisian architecture, art, the increase in activity among people of all ages. Users of Velib’ also report another positive effect of the bike sharing program. They say they experience more day-today enjoyment. more time outdoors parks, and street life

8 Ch7 Cause / Effect Paragraphs 7 Bike riders in Paris praise Velib’ for its socializing effects. bond between cyclists; help from experienced to inexperienced riders. greeting and chatting Supporting Detail: less crowding on trains and buses with other angry commuters In conclusion, Parisians hope that Velib’ will result in fewer cars and less pollution in the future, but for now they are enjoying the positive effects that the bike sharing program has already produced. Make a detailed outline of the paragraph. Use full sentences for main points and phrases for supporting details.

9 Ch7 Cause / Effect Paragraphs 8 Cross out sentences that are off-topic. Find one sentence that is not in a logical position. Draw an arrow to show where the sentence should be placed.

10 Ch7 Cause / Effect Paragraphs 9 Complete the paragraph outline.

11 Ch7 Cause / Effect Paragraphs 10 Write an appropriate concluding sentence on the line.

12 Ch7 Cause / Effect Paragraphs 11 Complete the paragraphs with the transition signals. so since Therefore because of

13 Ch7 Cause / Effect Paragraphs 12 so due to Because Consequently for Complete the paragraphs with the transition signals.

14 Ch7 Cause / Effect Paragraphs 13 Use the transition signal to combine the ideas. Sunlight produces vitamin D, so we need sunlight for a healthy body.

15 Ch7 Cause / Effect Paragraphs 14 Vitamin D is important because of its role in bone development. Sunlight affects the human body clock. As a result, regular exposure to the sun helps people sleep better. Some psychologists recommend spending time in the sun, for sunshine makes their patients feel happier. Use the transition signal to combine the ideas.

16 Ch7 Cause / Effect Paragraphs 15 Since people spend time outdoors on sunny days, they are more Due to a decrease in sunlight in winter, Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD, affects people in many parts of the world. likely to be physically active and get the exercise the need. The warmth of the sun relieves minor aches and pains. Consequently, there is an added benefit to sunshine. Use the transition signal to combine the ideas.

17 Ch7 Cause / Effect Paragraphs, so 16 Find errors in sentence structure. Make corrections. T t, o,

18 Ch7 Cause / Effect Paragraphs 17 Write a sentence for each of the suggested topics.

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