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Alice Oshima | Ann Hogue

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1 Alice Oshima | Ann Hogue
Longman Academic Writing Series Alice Oshima | Ann Hogue Paragraphs to Essays 3 PEARSON

2 Ch3 Basic Paragraph Structure

3 Ch3 Basic Paragraph Structure

4 Ch3 Basic Paragraph Structure
A. Underline five more adjectives in Sentence 9-12. Circle any word endings that helped you identify them. Take a Break! 9 Finally, interests outside of work can lead to a positive attitude. 10 For instance, when volunteers help children learn to read, they feel wonderful about what they have achieved. 11 Then they feel like working harder when they return to their regular responsibilities. 12 All in all, leisure time helps people stay healthy and has the additional benefit of allowing them to work more industriously and productively. 3

5 Ch3 Basic Paragraph Structure
B. Make the words adjectives. helpful productive beneficial readable creative studious energetic stressful functional 4

6 Ch3 Basic Paragraph Structure
For each topic sentence, discuss the type of supporting information a paragraph on the topic might contain. 1. Types of jobs that are dangerous. Examples of the dangers of specific jobs. Reasons that some jobs are dangerous. 2. Examples of repetitive and boring jobs. Problems (e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome and accidents) for workers who have repetitive and boring jobs. A narrative about a typical day at a repetitive and boring job. 3. Kinds of jobs that are perfect for college students. Examples of perfect jobs for college students. Reasons that a specific job is perfect for college students. A contrast between a job that is good for students and a job that is not good for students. 5

7 Ch3 Basic Paragraph Structure
A. Check the good topic sentences and write Too specific or Too general for the others. V Too general Too specific V Too specific V V V Too general 6 V

8 Ch3 Basic Paragraph Structure
B. Circle the best topic sentence. Then write it on the line. There are three main types of mountain climbing. There are three main types of mountain climbing. Mountain climbing requires special skills and equipment. The sport of mountain climbing is practiced worldwide. Mountain climbing is one of the most difficult sports. 7

9 Ch3 Basic Paragraph Structure
B. Circle the best topic sentence. Then write it on the line. There is a variety of food in the United Sates. There is a variety of food in the United Sates. Food in the United States varies from sweet desserts to spicy stews. Different regions of the United States have their own traditional foods. Food in the United States is quite delicious. 8

10 Ch3 Basic Paragraph Structure
B. Circle the best topic sentence. Then write it on the line. Yoga is an excellent form of exercise for several reasons. Yoga is a way to strengthen the body and the mind. Yoga is becoming popular with people of all ages. Yoga is an excellent form of exercise for several reasons. Yoga is an example of how getting exercise reduces stress. 9

11 Ch3 Basic Paragraph Structure
Identify the topic and the controlling idea. Then write an appropriate topic sentence on the line. 10

12 Ch3 Basic Paragraph Structure
Identify the topic and the controlling idea. Then write an appropriate topic sentence on the line. There are a number of reasons that people do not eat breakfast. 11

13 Ch3 Basic Paragraph Structure
Identify the topic and the controlling idea. Then write an appropriate topic sentence on the line. Travels who want to visit Grand Canyon National Park should plan their trip carefully. 12

14 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
Read each topic sentence and the main point provided. Then add as many main points as you can. 13

15 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
Read each topic sentence and the main point provided. Then add as many main points as you can. 14

16 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
Read each topic sentence and the main point provided. Then add as many main points as you can. 15

17 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
Read each topic sentence and the main point provided. Then add as many main points as you can. 16

18 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
Read each topic sentence and the main point provided. Then add as many main points as you can. 17

19 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
Complete the paragraph with signals from the chart. Capitalize and punctuate them correctly. such as For instance 18

20 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
Find two main points and three examples on page 52. Example Others play sports. Main Point The next benefit is creativity. Example Individuals with hobbies such as photography, travel, and music develop new talents and get ideas that they can use at school or in the office. Main Point Finally, interests outside of work can lead to a positive attitude. Example For instance, when volunteers help children learn to read, they feel wonderful about what they have achieved. Then they feel like working harder when they return to their regular responsibilities. 19

21 Ch3 Basic Paragraph Structure
Circle the best concluding sentence. Then write it on the lines. Explain your choice. In conclusion, students can have a lot of fun when they join campus activities. In conclusion, students who are involved in campus life get more out of school. In conclusion, students will not feel lonely if they join a club with other students. In conclusion, students who are involved in campus life get more out of school. 20

22 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
Editing a Paragraph for Errors in Subject-Verb Agreement Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs Write an appropriate concluding sentence with a conclusion signal for each paragraph. 21

23 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
Editing a Paragraph for Errors in Subject-Verb Agreement Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs Write an appropriate concluding sentence with a conclusion signal for each paragraph. 22

24 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
A. Put sentences in the correct order. 8 3 10 9 2 6 5 4 7 23

25 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
B. Decide which examples support which main points. Main Point The first type of game will allow you to relax quietly but will also keep your brain active. Example For example, sudoku mentally challenges players to look for patterns with numbers. Example Other brain games such as crossword puzzles, word search puzzles, and word jumbles require language skills. Main Point Next, if you prefer spending time with others, there are games with a social element. Example For instance, when you play checkers or chess or when you play cards with a group of friends, you are also developing personal relationships. Example The same is true of board games such as Monopoly and Settlers of Catan, which have been bringing people together for friendly competition for decades. Main Point Finally, there are games for people who like the idea of being on a team and enjoy physical activity. Example The most obvious examples are sports such as basketball, baseball, and soccer, but party games such as charades can get quite physical as well. Concluding Sentence Indeed, the wide variety of games offers something to just about everyone. 24

26 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
A. Underline the subjects and double underline the verbs. Then circle the objects of verbs and put parentheses around the prepositional phrases. (   ) (           ) (      ) (       ) 25

27 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
B. Find adjective and adverb in each sentence. ADV. ADJ. (   ) ADJ. ADV. (           ) ADV. ADJ. (      ) ADJ. ADV. (       ) 26

28 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
Choose between adjectives and adverbs. 27

29 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
Find six errors in the use of adjectives and adverbs. Make corrections. global unusual typical special carefully quickly 28

30 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
A. Find six errors in the use of adjectives and adverbs. Make corrections. enjoyable reliable analytical specific negative useful direct cautious 29

31 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
B. Write a true sentence for each topic including one of the adjectives from the chart. 30

32 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
A. Reread the model on page 69. Outline its main points with full sentences and supporting with phrases. Topic Sentence Adventure travel typically falls into two categories: hard and soft. A. Main Point Hard travel is most often associated with adventure and risk. 1. Supporting Detail for individuals who want physical challenges; e.g., scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef, cross-country skiing in Yellowstone, and exploring the jungles of the Amazon by boat. 2. Supporting Detail for anyone who likes high levels of excitement and danger B. Main Point Soft adventure still gives travelers an opportunity to have new and exciting experiences in beautiful locations, but it is usually less risky and more comfortable. 1. Supporting Detail less danger in studying a language during a homestay but still thrilling 2. Supporting Detail activities such as hot-air ballooning and bird watching for a fresh way to see the world Concluding Sentence In short, both hard and soft travel provide the chance to experience the unknown. 31

33 Ch2 Narrative Paragraphs
B. Read the paragraph. Then outline. Topic Sentence There are three kinds of bad drivers you see on the streets and highways of almost any country. A. Main Point The first kind of bad driver is the aggressive driver who has big dreams of being a Grand Prix racer. B. Main Point The second kind of bad driver is the busy modern multitasker; e.g., working mothers and overworked businesspeople. 1. Supporting Detail quick to leave when traffic light turns green C. Main Point The last kind is the cautious driver who drives extremely slowly and carefully. 2. Supporting Detail too fast; above the speed limit and always in the passing lane 1. Supporting Detail other activities while driving; e.g., eating, drinking coffee, talking on the phone, and disciplining children. 1. Supporting Detail no faster than 40 mph on highways; down to 30 mph on every curve 2. Supporting Detail almost completely stopped to make a turn Concluding Sentence In conclusion, bad drivers can be speedsters, “slowsters,” or just inattentive motorists, but you have to watch out for all of them! 32

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