St Catherine’s Primary School Self Evaluation - HCIOS.

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Presentation on theme: "St Catherine’s Primary School Self Evaluation - HCIOS."— Presentation transcript:

1 St Catherine’s Primary School Self Evaluation - HCIOS

2 Vision Focus on faith and learning Equality for all Caring nurturing environment Provide an excellent education Develop our children’s God given talents

3 The qualities, skills and talents of the whole school community Respect for each other, all property and other religious beliefs Our equal status in God’s eyes and fairness and justice for all The wellbeing and development of our children, the support of their parents, and the personal and professional care and welfare of our staff Self reflection to allow us to develop personally, spiritually and professionally for the benefit of our children Our Values

4 To encourage an active working partnership between home school and church To deliver excellent educational experiences for all of our children which will support them in developing their values and beliefs To strive to meet the needs of all in our school community To provide a safe, secure and inclusive learning environment To embrace a Curriculum for Excellence with the focus on a commitment to the integrated education and formation of the whole child, with faith at the heart of learning We aim to….

5 Mission statement based on our vision and values Catholic teachers as role models Prominence of Charter for Catholic schools Our Catholic values permeating the curriculum Ethos of achievement- motivated, well behaved pupils, their work displayed Our welcoming open door policy, School hymn House system Importance of and reverence to our patron saint Wider achievements - Health Promoting School, Diamond Enterprise Award, Silver ECO School Award, Community Links, Sports, After School Clubs, School Profile Charitable work Catholic Ethos

6 Focus on Prayer Clear RE policy in place and in practice Appropriate programme of study and resources Clear planning Teaching methodology underpinned by training Coherent assessment procedures Rigorous monitoring and evaluation based on high expectations and support Cross curricular links Journey to Excellence *** How Catholic Is Our Religious Education

7 The Bible Procession




11 Religious Observance/Sacramental Preparation Assemblies Hymn practices Prayer Times Prayer Services Parish links Mass Daily Prayer Liaison with parish priests Communication and interaction with parents Homework support for parents

12 CPD opportunities Meeting prayers Mass attendance Social inclusion Staff health Outside speakers – motivation, positive mental attitudes Staff Spirituality

13 Journey to Excellence – focus on ACE outcomes, Values for Life, Excellent Catholic Schools Greater involvement of parents Collaboration with Parish re Staff Spiritual Development Next Steps

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