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HJH Reality Town Thursday, March 17, 2011. Reality Town will give HJH students a glimpse into the world of adult financial responsibilities.

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Presentation on theme: "HJH Reality Town Thursday, March 17, 2011. Reality Town will give HJH students a glimpse into the world of adult financial responsibilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 HJH Reality Town Thursday, March 17, 2011

2 Reality Town will give HJH students a glimpse into the world of adult financial responsibilities

3 Reality Town is a “Real Life” simulation where students:  Choose a job according to their GPA  Receive an average monthly salary for the job  Receive a family scenario with spouse, children, and life circumstances (assigned randomly)  Buy a home, pay for transportation, utilities, groceries, medical and dental bills, and other expenses

4 Reality Town includes a variety of businesses and representatives who will be ready to help you accomplish your duties as an adult.

5 Booths at Reality Town:  Housing  Property Taxes  Utilities  Home Improvement  Transportation  Car Insurance  Groceries  Clothing  Child Care  Entertainment  Communication  Dental Office  Medical Office  Health Insurance  Health and Grooming  Bank  Donations  Financial Counseling  Second Jobs



8 The objectives for students in Reality Town are: 1. Visit all of the booths, make choices, and pay the expenses at each booth 2. Have a positive check balance at the end of the experience

9 Students will prepare for Reality Town at HJH:  You will learn how to write a resume  You will learn how to fill out a job application  You will learn how to write a check and balance a check book  You will learn about gross and net income

10 Preparing to get a job REALITY TOWN Job Application Forms

11 Rules for filling out your application form  Use blue or black ink  Never scribble out  Never leave blank spaces –Use “N/A” or draw a line in the space to show you read the section and it does not apply to you.  If the application asks for 3 references—give three references. (Address and phone number included)

12 More rules for job applications:  Make sure all information is PRINTED- NEATNESS COUNTS! Reasoning: “If this person’s application is sloppy, he/she must also do sloppy work.” Remember: Your application is a reflection of YOU, your work habits, your personality...

13 ... more hints...  SPELL ALL WORDS CORRECTLY  Read each question and understand it before answering  BE TRUTHFUL- companies will terminate you if they find you haven’t been truthful

14 still more hints...  Under “Employment History”, always list present or most recent job first (reverse chronological order)  Volunteer work may be listed under “Employment History”

15 ... and more...  Under “Position Applied For” specify the job, or the type of job– Don’t leave blank  Under “Reason for Leaving”: Write “Return to school” “ Higher salary.” Do not write “fired.” Instead write: “Terminated. Will discuss at interview.”

16 In the “Personal Reference” section, list adults who know you well, and can say nice things about you! ( Don’t list friends your own age)

17 REALITY TOWN EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION  Personal Information  Educational Information  Employment Information  References  Talents and Hobbies  Type of Employment Desired

18 Questions?

19 Thank you for completing your JOB APPLICATION. We’ll see you March 10th for our next Reality Town lesson!


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