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M OOD D ISORDERS. Mood disorders affect 20.9 million or 9.5% of US population ages 18 and older Disorders often co-occur with sever anxiety and/or substance.

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2 Mood disorders affect 20.9 million or 9.5% of US population ages 18 and older Disorders often co-occur with sever anxiety and/or substance abuse The average age for the onset of a mood disorder is 30 Sadly, only 50.9% of people with mood disorder receive treatment

3 B IPOLAR In an average year, 5.7 million people, or 2.6% of US population ages 18+ suffer from bipolar disorder The disorder is found in equal number of men and women, of different race and social classes Although there are equal number of men and women diagnosed, studies suggest that women tend to experience more extreme episodes Studies also suggest that a gender bias exists in the diagnosis: Women are generally misdiagnosed with depression Men are generally misdiagnosed with schizophrenia Children are more likely to develop with a family history of the disorder One parent= 15-30% more likely Both parents= 50-75% more likely Roughly 20% of adolescents develop bipolar within 5 years of the first onset of depression

4 R APID C YCLING Rapid cycling is defined as having episodes at least four times a year, which last at least two weeks 50% of diagnosed cases of bipolar disorder, report rapid cycling Reports show that rapid cycling is not affected by education level, marital status, or work status However, history of anxiety, sexual and/or physical abuse, drug abuse, and/or parental drug abuse did however, show an increased number of cases

5 D EPRESSION In an average year, 14.8 million or 6.7% of US population ages 18+ experiences major depression Depression is found more commonly in men than women Males= 8-12% Females= 20-26% 1 in 33 children experience depression, and 1 in 8 adolescents 6 million people experience late life depression, and sadly only about 10% receive treatment 15-20% families report to care for an older relative 58% of caregivers show signs of depression

6 D EPRESSION AND I LLNESS Often, depression is followed by the onset of health problems 25% of cancer patients experience depression Stroke survivors roughly 10-27% 1 in 3 heart attach survivors 1 in 3 HIV patients Parkinson is the highest with 50% experiencing depression People with eating disorders 50-75% People who abuse substances including alcohol, 27% Those suffering from diabetes, 8.5-27% Studies also indicate that depression can lead to physical illness. Those with depression are 4 times more likely to suffer a heart attack than someone without history of depression.

7 E CONOMIC I MPACT Major depression is the leading cause of disability for US population ages 5 and older Depression is in the top 3 of workplace issues Annually, $70 million is lost in medical bills, loss of productivity, and other expenditures Also annually, $12 billion is lost in workdays

8 C AUSAL F ACTOR OF D EPRESSION AND B IPOLAR D ISORDER *Have the same or similar causes.

9 Depression Genetic In a research study show that there are 10 % in the U.S. who will experience depression later in their life. Having a parent or sibling with depression, is 2 to 3 times the risk of one developing Depression than the average person. Those who are diagnosed with Depression do not have relatives with Bipolar. However, if the relatives of people with Bipolar their chances rise to both depression and Bipolar Disorder. Biological* Neurotransmitter such as Serotonin and Norepinephrine need to be balanced in order for the body to Serotonin- deals with sleep problems, moodiness and concerns Norepinephrine- adjusts attentive and stimulation Environmental* Change in life and stress can set off an episode such events: loss or death of a loved one, financial, trauma or relationship problems.

10 Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression) Genetic Bipolar Disorder runs in the family. If someone has one parent with Bipolar Disorder they a 15 to 25% chance of getting the disorder. An individual who has a non-identical twin with the disorder have a 25% chance of if both parent have been diagnosed. If one who is an identical twin same genetic structure; has an even greater risk of getting the disorder. Biological* Serotonin, Norepinephrine and Dopamine are in charge of handling functions within the brain. Norepinephrine involves moods and arousal Serotonin helps regulates sleep, eating and behavior Dopamine regulates behavior, pleasure and emotional arousal Environmental * A loss or death in the family can set off mood episodes for someone who has Bipolar. Alteration of health, hormonal problems and intake of alcohol and/or drug use.


12 S TUDY IN A RCHIVES OF G ENERAL P SYCHIATRY 10% of Americans using antidepressants doubled from 1996- 2005 Users of antidepressants receiving therapy fell from 31% to less than 20% (half of children on antidepressants aren't in therapy) spending on direct-to-consumer antidepressant ads increased from $32 million to $122 million (1996-2005) antidepressants_N.htm#

13 E FFICACY OF A NTIDEPRESSANTS Some psychologists estimate that up to 75% or effects shown by antidepressant medication are due to the placebo effect Research shows that a large percentage of individuals with anxiety, depression, and other emotional problems experience significant improvement after a placebo treatment Introducing Psychology pg. 420

14 S EROTONIN OR N EUROGENESIS Neurogenesis: Birth of new neurons Scientists led by Rene Hen of Columbia University and Ronald Duman of Yale blocked neurogenesis in mice, SSRIs had no effect SSRIs “rarely make a dent in depression before three weeks, and sometimes take eight weeks to kick in. But they affect serotonin levels right away. If depression doesn't lift despite that serotonin hit, the drugs must be doing something else” SSRIs first activate the serotonin system, which is somehow necessary for neurogenesis. That is what takes weeks Wall Street Journal Nov 18 2005 Sharon Begley - piwLFSMdqttzAzHEXT3ehaYKXog_20061117.html?mod=r ss_free

15 FDA WARNING ABOUT INCREASED RISK OF SUICIDAL THOUGHTS IN YOUTH (2003) Anafranil (clomipramine), Asendin (amoxapine), Aventyl (nortriptyline), Celexa (citalopram hydrobromide), Cymbalta (duloxetine), Desyrel (trazodone HCl), Elavil (amitriptyline), Effexor (venlafaxine HCl), Emsam (selegiline), Etrafon (perphenazine/amitriptyline), fluvoxamine maleate, Lexapro (escitalopram hydrobromide), Limbitrol (chlordiazepoxide/amitriptyline), Ludiomil (maprotiline), Marplan (isocarboxazid), Nardil (phenelzine sulfate), nefazodone HCl, Norpramin (desipramine HCl), Pamelor (nortriptyline), Parnate (tranylcypromine sulfate), Paxil (paroxetine HCl), Pexeva (paroxetine mesylate), Prozac (fluoxetine HCl), Remeron (mirtazapine), Sarafem (fluoxetine HCl), Seroquel (quetiapine), Sinequan (doxepin), Surmontil (trimipramine), Symbyax (olanzapine/fluoxetine), Tofranil (imipramine), Tofranil-PM (imipramine pamoate), Triavil (perphenazine/amitriptyline), Vivactil (protriptyline), Wellbutrin (bupropion HCl), Zoloft (sertraline HCl), and Zyban (bupropion HCl).

16 I NCREASED RISK OF SUICIDALITY IN YOUNGER ADULTS USING ANTIDEPRESSANTS (2006) FDA is announcing a request to manufacturers of all antidepressant medications to update the existing “black box” on their product labeling to include warnings about increased risks of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in young adults ages 18 to 24 during initial treatment In December 2006, the FDA’s Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee agreed that labeling changes were needed to inform health care professionals about the increased risk of suicidality in younger adults using antidepressants nbyDrugClass/ucm096321.htm

17 S UICIDE Overall 11 th leading cause of death in United States 3 rd most common form of death among high school and college students Women attempt about 3 to 4 times more often than men However men use more lethal methods (gun verses pills) so are 3 to 4 times more likely to actually kill themselves than women Approx.. 50% kill themselves during the recovery phase of a depressive episode About 90% of people who are suicidal discuss their intentions Substance abuse is associated with around 25% - 50% of adolescent suicides Introducing Psychology pg. 382

18 R ISK VERSUS P ROFIT Psychotropic drug lawsuits “ successfully prosecuted resulting in judgments against and/or known payments by pharmaceutical companies totaling $4.96 billion in criminal and civil fines and settlements” In 2011, spending on psychiatric medications to top $40 billion Citizens Commission on Human Rights

19 P ROGNOSIS For depression and bipolar disorders

20 P ROGNOSIS D EFINITION The likelihood of recovery from a disease Basically, what a doctor would tell you about the outlook of your condition.

21 O UTLOOK FOR D EPRESSION Outlook is generally positive for depression. Up to 80% of people who seek help find relief. About 60% of people will experience a second episode. Among people with severe depression, 76% of people with medication will recover compared to 18% without. Biggest cause of relapses are non-treated individuals and improper medication use.

22 O UTLOOK FOR B IPOLAR D ISORDER Although there is no technical “cure”, treatments for Bipolar can be very effective. With lithium treatment, success rates for treatment are as high as 70 – 85%. Best to manage with medications with some form of therapy treatment. Relapses reduce up to 50%.

23 G ET H ELP ! The best way to treat any form of depression or bipolar condition is to get help. Proper education on the disorders and obeying doctor guidelines will greatly improve chances of success.

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