WORD OF THE DAY COLLABORATE: collaborate |kəˈlabəˌrāt | verb work jointly on an activity, esp. to produce or create something : he collaborated with a.

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Presentation on theme: "WORD OF THE DAY COLLABORATE: collaborate |kəˈlabəˌrāt | verb work jointly on an activity, esp. to produce or create something : he collaborated with a."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORD OF THE DAY COLLABORATE: collaborate |kəˈlabəˌrāt | verb work jointly on an activity, esp. to produce or create something : he collaborated with a distinguished painter on the designs. during the great war they collaborated with the Nazis.


3 1.) PRE PRODUCTION Visualization, conceptual, brainstorming, character development, script writing, and “Storyboarding” ( others too ) 2.) PRODUCTION * Cameras, lighting, recording actual dialog, acting, directing, sets, make up, etc. 3.) POST PRODUCTION * After the movie is “Produced”. Film Editing, Sound Editing, Graphics and Animation, Titles, and even marketing the film. THREE PHASES OF PRODUCTION


5 STORYBOARDS VIDEO Definitions: SCENE “Same Time/Same Place” i.e., an action that takes place in One location during a specific Time frame. SHOT LIST “A series of individual, and different types of “camera shots” that when combined in a desired sequence, make up a scene. P.O.V. Point Of View. As if the camera lens was the eye. Examples: Spiderman swings through a city. Shot 1: From roof tops. Shot 2: POV of a secretary from here 76 th floor desk window, Shot 3: P.O.V. Of Spiderman as webs come from his arms, etc.

6 HOLLYWOOD VIDEO Storyboard Artists The Storyboard is the “Visual Road Map” to the finished movie. The Storyboard is a preview. A Storyboard is a fluid, changing Document, but provides an important foundation for telling the story. CAREERS: Fine Arts Majors, Graphic Arts, and others find solid jobs working as a storyboard artists, taking direction from the script and the director. SEE PIXAR and LORD OF THE RINGS SAMPLES AT RIGHT.

7 SUMMARY KNOW: 1.) The Three Phases of Production: (Pre-Production-Post) DEFINITIONS: Scene, Shot List, P.O.V. Treatment, Voice Over, Narrative, Theme. FOUR BASIC SHOTS Wide, Medium, Close, Extreme Close

8 Assignment: ( One Minute VIDEO PSA) Part 1: 25 points “Collaborate” in groups of Two or Three. Come Up With A “Message” For Your PSA ( Public Service Message) Turn In Your “Treatment” of the concept. Turn in Your “Storyboard” Part 2. 25 Points Shoot Your Scene ( s ) using all four shot types, demonstrating different angles and P.O.V. Part 3. 25 Points Edit your shots into exactly “One Minute” Video ( NO LONGER). Include: All Four Shot Types, Slogan or Message In Text, Music or Sound Effects, important “Theme” or Universal Message.


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