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Africa Adaptation Programme Republic of Mauritius Informed decision-making for Climate Change adaptation Activities and lessons learned in Mauritius 15.

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Presentation on theme: "Africa Adaptation Programme Republic of Mauritius Informed decision-making for Climate Change adaptation Activities and lessons learned in Mauritius 15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Africa Adaptation Programme Republic of Mauritius Informed decision-making for Climate Change adaptation Activities and lessons learned in Mauritius 15 November 2012AAP Country Conference “Celebrating our successes”

2 Outline  Context / AAP Mauritius framework and strategy  How AAP Mauritius has made possible generation and use of robust data and information to enhance decision-making?  Future programming  Challenges  Opportunities

3 Observed and projected Climate Change impacts in Mauritius Being a SIDS Mauritius is extremely vulnerable to Climate Change:  Observed impacts  Rise of temperature  Decrease of annual rainfall  Sea level rise  Significant beach erosion and beach loss  Coral bleaching  Projected Impacts  Agriculture  Lagoon/corals/beaches and tourism  Climate-related disasters  Water scarcity In Mauritius:  Technical capacities are available in national institutions  Some stakeholders are already aware of CC challenge and attentive to new reports / facts / information conducting to high expectations

4 AAP Mauritius intervention logic  Objective of AAP Mauritius Mainstream climate change considerations in key sector developmental plans, policies and institutional frameworks  Project Outputs Introduction of long-term planning tools, Strengthening of leadership capacities and institutional frameworks, Implementation of climate-resilient policies and measures, Devising financing options, Generation of knowledge as well as sharing of findings at all levels. INFORMED DECISION-MAKING  Capacity Building Activities  Policy Review and Action Plan Formulation  Research and Dissemination  Sharing of Climate Data and Information  Demonstration Projects

5 Strategy for enhanced decision-making 1) Need assessment – with stakeholders’ inputs 2) Data generation / gathering – with stakeholders’ inputs 3) Data analysis / compiling 4) Production of report including recommendations / strategy and action plan – with stakeholders’ inputs 5) Validation workshop with stakeholders 6) Capacity-building workshop for stakeholders 7) Advocacy targeting decision-makers

6 Disaster Risk Reduction: Data generation and sharing  Data procured from Mauritius Meteo Services and compiled  Vulnerability assessment based on SLR scenarios and mapping for inundation, flooding and landslide risks  Printing and distribution of maps to national authorities, especially at local level Lessons learnt The issue of data ownership is a challenge Information sharing towards local actors is key Sustainable impact Dissemination of knowledge on zones at risk for future projects / investments

7 Sectoral analysis for key sectors: Data generation and sharing  4 key sectors of the economy: Agriculture, Fisheries, Tourism, Water  Compilation of existing scientific data, socio- economic surveys, gaps in institutional framework identified Lessons learnt Involvement of stakeholders at all stages to gather existing information + capacity building workshop for ownership of results and recommendations Sustainable impact Sectoral reports are an extensive assessment of the situation and knowledge available at one point, to serve as a basis for future projects and further researches

8 Data servers: Data generation and sharing  University of Mauritius equipped with Data Server and training in Climate modeling organized  Climate Change information center based at Min of Environment for data sharing between institution and for the general public  Agricultural Decision Support System: Server and training to analyze the results + data shared with CC information center Lessons learnt High interest for training on data generation, analysis and modeling Decision-makers are also farmers which makes the evidence based decision-making even more real Sustainable impact Data generated, analyzed & shared on a continuous and connected basis Incentive for research in the area of Climate Change modeling & impact on agriculture MoU with University and handing over

9 Support to research: Data generation and analysis  Funding of 12 Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation research projects linked with:  Water resource  Agriculture and fisheries  Endemic biodiversity  Coastal management  Energy  Coal and bagasse ashes reuse Lessons learnt Research themes discussed between researchers and Government to be aligned with Mauritius priorities in terms of CC adaptation The issue of ownership / sharing of data generated is a challenge Sustainable impact Data and research reports available for decision-making Incentive for further research work in the same fields

10 Demo projects: Evidence based on demonstration  Coral farming, sea censors, endemic garden, salinity meters and mangrove plantation  Advocacy through success stories: evidence-based decisions Lessons learnt Demo projects impacts are more visible and make scientific results more concrete Monitoring is necessary to highlight positive impact in the long term and support advocacy targeting decision-makers Sustainable impact Support to existing stakeholders and projects for efficiency and durability

11 Climate Change policy framework: Data compilation and sharing  Compiling others AAP reports/results/studies for harmonization and delivering of inclusive message to high-level policy-makers  Including recommendation and investment plan Lessons learnt Validation of information at different level before compiling is crucial Data approved by all makes it easier to reach compromise on recommendations for action Sustainable impact One document encompassing AAP main results for easy sharing nationally and internationally and basis for short and mid-term future actions (investment plan)

12 Outputs achieved thanks to informed generation and sharing  Climate Change Bill prepared (for 2013)  Updated guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment  Updated guidelines for Integrated Coastal Zone Management  … would not have been possible without prior data generation and sharing to support them for decision makers Lessons learnt Information generation and sharing has exponential impact when well-managed and reused Sustainable impact CC Bill will have very real sustainable impacts

13 Climate Change knowledge fair: Information sharing  Gathering of all stakeholders to demonstrate achievements and share successes at a national level  Networking  Awareness raising  Side events Lessons learnt It is possible and efficient to target experts and the general public within the same event Sustainable impact Networks Demonstration of successes Dissemination of existing data / results

14 Sustainability  Indicators of success: - Stakeholders are aware that the data exist - Stakeholders know where to access the data - Ownership to be monitored in the long-term  Evaluation and future programming - Final evaluation to highlight successes and remaining gaps, especially in terms of ownership - Results to be monitored / strengthen in next phase

15 Opportunities and challenges for future programming  Data ownership has to be addressed and negotiated country by country  Build capacities in institutions producing knowledge and receiving it, not only decision-makers but also technicians  Precisely target the audience: “decision-makers” is too broad - Data generation and making the data understandable and convincing for decision-makers from public and private sector, different levels, different technical backgrounds  Information/robust data vs. level of uncertainty of CC impacts  No regret scenario as a basis for pragmatic and efficient advocacy?  At the end of the day the decision is political: question of risk acceptability, short vs. long-term, political agenda: importance of raising public awareness for pressure on policy-makers

16 Thank you

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