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Physical Fitness. Major Components Flexibility Agility Aerobic Endurance Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength Muscular Power Anaerobic Power.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Fitness. Major Components Flexibility Agility Aerobic Endurance Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength Muscular Power Anaerobic Power."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Fitness

2 Major Components Flexibility Agility Aerobic Endurance Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength Muscular Power Anaerobic Power

3 Flexibility “ the ability to move the muscles and ligaments through their range of motion”

4 Agility “The ability to change and control the direction of your body while moving quickly.”

5 Aerobic Endurance “The ability of the body to supply oxygen to the working muscles over a long period of time.”

6 Muscular Endurance “The ability of a muscle to perform continuous contractions over a long period of time”

7 Muscular Strength “The amount of energy or force a muscle can produce in a single contraction.”

8 Muscular Power “The ability to generate strength over a short period of time”

9 Anaerobic Power “The ability of the body to supply energy (without using oxygen), for the muscles to contract explosively”

10 Developing Fitness Pre and Post fitness testing Training Principles Frequency Intensity Specificity Overload

11 Why do Fitness Testing? To check if improvement of fitness components has occurred. Training needs can be reassessed and adjustments can be made to training programs.

12 Training Principles Frequency Intensity Specificity Progressive Overload

13 Frequency how often you exercise. You should train at least 3-5 times per week.

14 Maximum Heart Rate The maximum number of beats your heart should be working at during exercise. Calculated by: 220 – your age bpm(beats per min) Is used to calculate how hard you should work in your training.

15 Intensity How strenuously you exercise. To develop, aerobic fitness: 70-80% Anaerobic fitness: 80+% To burn body fat: 60-75% of your maximum heart rate.

16 Specificity The degree to which your training resembles the requirements of your sport. For example, Cyclists should train on bikes Swimmers should train in pool

17 Progressive Overload To improve fitness you must continue to overload your body. 3 ways of overloading your body:- Increase the frequency, Increase the duration, Increase the intensity of exercise

18 The Training Session Warm-up Conditioning Warm-down

19 Warm-Up increase blood flow to all muscles to enable them to stretch more easily. should involve light, continuous exercise then, stretching specific to the activity about to be performed.

20 Conditioning Phase The actual training where specific fitness components are developed. Training is determined by applying the principles according to results of pre- testing.

21 Warm-Down Tapering off after finishing training Activity continues but at a much lower intensity Prevents blood pooling in extremities Helps remove lactic acid from blood Helps improve flexibility

22 Training Methods Continuous Circuit Interval

23 Training Methods Continuous Circuit Interval

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