Federal Aviation Administration 1. Presented to: By: Federal Aviation Administration Palomar Airspace 101 Plus One Flyers Kristin Grulke, Brandon Gonzales.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Aviation Administration 1. Presented to: By: Federal Aviation Administration Palomar Airspace 101 Plus One Flyers Kristin Grulke, Brandon Gonzales."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Aviation Administration 1

2 Presented to: By: Federal Aviation Administration Palomar Airspace 101 Plus One Flyers Kristin Grulke, Brandon Gonzales

3 Federal Aviation Administration 3 Power Plant Batiquitos Lagoon Lake San Marcos Lake Hodges 15/78 Oceanside Pier Squires Vista Swami’s Bonsall

4 Federal Aviation Administration 4 VFR Reporting Points/Entries Inform controller if: –Unfamiliar with the area –Don’t understand the instructions Rule of thumb: Report when you are ½ mile from the reporting point Ex: If you are reporting directly over Squires, you are on a really close right base.

5 Federal Aviation Administration 5 Airport Procedures Before entering the Class D airspace, you must call Palomar Tower, and have them acknowledge you by your call sign. –If tower says “Stand-by” or “Roger,” you are not cleared to enter the airspace. –VFR flight following from SoCal does not give you clearance into the airspace. After you exit the runway, taxi over the hold lines onto the taxiway, hold position, and contact ground control.

6 Federal Aviation Administration 6 Local Area Hotspots Right 45 Entry –Due to traffic on downwind, turning downwind, clouds Right Base Entry –Due to amount of right downwind departures Straight in Entries from Escondido –Due to extended centerline Vista –Due to amount of arrivals/departures Departure Corridor –IFR aircraft departing

7 Federal Aviation Administration 7 Local Area Hotspots If you are requesting a right downwind departure, to comply with VNAP, please let us know if your final destination is East or Southeast of the airport. Many pilots will depart right downwind, request a frequency change, and then fly right through our extended centerline/final (conflicting with inbound IFR aircraft). Technically, you are outside of our airspace, but be aware of your surroundings.

8 Federal Aviation Administration 8

9 Federal Aviation Administration 9 Airport Hotspots

10 Federal Aviation Administration 10 Premier Jet JetSource Grey T’s West, West Port-a-ports, Orion West, etc.

11 Federal Aviation Administration 11 Airport Hotspot

12 Federal Aviation Administration 12 Hold Short Read Backs ATC needs to get a complete read back of runway “hold short” instructions 3 elements: 1) aircraft ID 2) the words “hold short” 3) the surface to be held short of “Bugsmasher 38 Kilo, hold short of runway 24”

13 Federal Aviation Administration 13 IFR Practice Missed Approach Procedures All of our practice missed approaches are pre- coordinated with SoCal, and are based on current weather conditions. –Depending on the cloud coverage, we’ll give you your missed approach instructions IFR or VFR. –If we give you a VFR missed approach procedure, and you want an IFR missed approach instead, PLEASE request this prior to a ONE MILE FINAL (this is only a request, and may not be granted, due to; traffic volume, workload, etc.)

14 Federal Aviation Administration 14 New Phraseology Taxi Instructions: “ACID, Runway 24, taxi via A.” (Controllers may say this even if you are on the inner ramp, because eventually you will have to be on a portion of A to get to the runway.)

15 Federal Aviation Administration 15 New Phraseology Line Up and Wait (LUAW) Arrival Phraseology (no change) “ACID, continue, traffic holding in position.”

16 Federal Aviation Administration 16 New Phraseology LUAW - Departure Phraseology “Runway 24, Line up and wait.” “Runway 24, Line up and wait, traffic (type aircraft and position).”

17 Federal Aviation Administration 17 New Phraseology By adopting ICAO standard phraseology that is familiar to aircrews for whom English is not their primary language, the FAA hopes to mitigate the potential for runway incursions caused by misunderstanding and misapplication of instructions involving movement onto active runways.

18 Federal Aviation Administration 18 Reasons why controllers may not respond to your call immediately Making their plan – think, think, think faster The controller never heard your initial call (you may have been “stepped on”) Multi tasking (cutting new ATIS, position relief, etc) Coordinating with another facility –FSS, SCT, ZLA, local airports Coordinating within their facility –Runway crossings, helicopter arrivals/departures, emergencies, airport ops, etc. Training new controllers

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