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NMED 3700 Project Management. NMED 3700 Today’s Class… Committee Overview Breakout Brainstorming Session.

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Presentation on theme: "NMED 3700 Project Management. NMED 3700 Today’s Class… Committee Overview Breakout Brainstorming Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 NMED 3700 Project Management

2 NMED 3700 Today’s Class… Committee Overview Breakout Brainstorming Session

3 NMED 3700 The Project Outcome is simple…

4 NMED 3700 Stage a New Media Showcase to Promote the Excellent Work Generated by New Media Students

5 NMED 3700 You are the architects building an event out of an idea. The activity that will help you the most in this class is… ATTENDING EVENTS –Art openings –Art shows –Media events –Campus talks It will give you ideas for what you might want to do and what NOT to do.

6 NMED 3700 Five Project Fundamentals 1.Projects are one-time efforts 2.Projects are unique 3.Projects have limited and defined time spans 4.Projects are about change 5.Projects have defined outcomes

7 NMED 3700 It all comes down to this process… managing Project Outcome doing planning controllingmonitoring

8 NMED 3700 Take the Five Fundamentals into consideration when choosing a Project Over the next 14 weeks this NMED 3700 Class shall: a.present an 2-D art opening b.present a film festival c.present a large-scale web launch and interactive catalogue publication d.present two (2) or more of the above

9 NMED 3700 Team/Committee Formation This course will be one part competitive and three parts collaborative –Each committee is a team that must raise the bar of productivity for themselves and that of the other committees

10 NMED 3700 Teams –Communications & Marketing –Resource Management & Audience Development –Programming

11 NMED 3700 How to Run A Brainstorm Session Each team is to use today’s lab time 5:00-5:50pm to brainstorm on an idea for the event. A brainstorming session should be used for generating lots of new ideas and solutions. It should not be used for analysis or for decision making. That comes next class.

12 NMED 3700 How to Run A Brainstorm Session Step One: Identify Your Problem/ Opportunity This is already done. Use this session to generate ideas for what kind of event should the class present

13 NMED 3700 How to Run A Brainstorm Session Step Two: Find a location where you can sit around a table to talk and take notes The library is best – it’s meant for working. Do not choose a location that will present interruptions or social traffic. Smaller groups are easier to control but there are less people to keep the process moving smoothly onward.. A very small group is more like a quick-fire conversation and could be seated round a small table so everyone can add their ideas conversationally. Try to move the group close together so they don't feel remote from each other.

14 NMED 3700 How to Run A Brainstorm Session Step Three: Start the Record This is the first installment of your Project Log Everyone should take notes on this session and there should be a facilitator who records the official “minutes” of the meeting –Record: Date, Time, Location, Names of Participants At the top of the page record the agenda question: What Kind of Event Should We Present Underneath that make your laundry list of ideas and related details Make it legible because everyone in the group will need a copy

15 NMED 3700 How to Run A Brainstorm Session The Facilitator. This person needs to introduce the session, to keep an eye on the time and to make sure the meeting stays on topic. This person will facilitate the session to make it run smoothly and ensure that the participants feel comfortable and join in the process. They will also be responsible for restarting the creative process if it slows down.

16 NMED 3700 How to Run A Brainstorm Session Step Four: Ideas You Must Generate and Organize What kind of event? –Art opening –Film festival –Web and catalogue launch –Something else

17 NMED 3700 How to Run A Brainstorm Session Step Four: Ideas You Must Generate and Organize Who is your audience? Where is your event location? Who will provide the content/art work? When is your event? –Thursday November 20 –Friday November 21 What is the name of your event? –Previous years: Cracked Pixels. Render Blender, Circuit Circus How will you use 10-minutes to present your idea to the class?

18 NMED 3700 How to Run A Brainstorm Session If ideas begin to slow down consider events that you’ve participated in, attended, seen on television for ideas. –The don’t have to be art-related. Just a model of a successful event. –Think of what is fun and interesting and memorable for you Presentation of your ideas should involve all team members and can include media support materials, or even class relocation to the location of your choice. The bottom- line is we must get a sense of your team’s vision for the NMED 3700 in 2008 event. In all instances, your team must decide: “Will this promote the excellence of students in the New Media Department?”

19 NMED 3700 How to Run A Brainstorm Session Every response must have a through rationale –Refer back to the Process Diagram. Explain how the idea will be monitored, managed, planned and controlled –A rationale explains the reasoning behind your idea. –Each rationale should be between 75-200 words. –Please, note the resulting suggestion is NOT a contract but a potential blueprint for a successful event. During the first half of Wednesday’s class each team will have time to perfect their presentation. During the last half of Wednesday’s class each team will make a 7-10 minute presentation on their idea. After each presentation has been, given you will vote as a class on which event we will organize

20 NMED 3700 Next Class… –Wednesday: Event proposals for The Event; Proposal selection by class vote.

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