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Fruit trees(pomology)

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1 Fruit trees(pomology)
Apple Fruit trees(pomology) D.Faisal shraim Taqwa Saleh

2 Scientific classification
King dom: Plantae Subkingdom: Vascular plant Division: Mango liophyta Subdivision: Angiosperm Class: Dicot Family: Rosacea Subfamily: Pomoideae Genus: Malus Species: Malus Dometica

3 Growth habit: Woody crops_deciduous fruit tree_pome fruit
reaching (2_12)m tall Ther are more than 7500 known cultivers of apple. different in size, day to harvest, frut size, color, storage days,test & uses

4 .America by European colonists
Cold temperate zone The tree originated in Central Asia,  Apples have been grown for thousands of years in Asia and Europe, and were brought to North . .America by European colonists about 69 million tons of apples were grown worldwide in 2010, and China produced almost half of this total. The United States is the second-leading producer, with more than 6% of world production. Turkey is third, followed by Italy, India and Poland

5 Botanical description

6 Stem: Body of tree: The root system : tap root and adventitious root
The stem of apple must be thickness& endurance to hold the branch system (branch,twig,sprouts,productive parts) Branch type: (straight,bendingdownwards the top,curving upword at the top, bending down in arch_like way

7 leave  The leaves are alternately arranged dark green-colored simple ovals with serrated margins and slightly downy undersides

8 Flower & fruit

9 flower flowers are white with a pink tinge that gradually fades, five petaled, with an inflorescence consisting of a cyme with 4–6 flowers. The central flower of the inflorescence is called the "king bloom"; it opens first, and can develop a larger fruit


11 Inferior ovary (epigynous flower) Complete flower
Classification *based on Position of ovary: Inferior ovary (epigynous flower) *based on structure: Complete flower

12 Mixed flower bud : Give flower and leaves


14 Growth stage in apple fruit


16 Anatomy of Fruit Simple fruit Pericarp Fleshy Pome Endocarp Exocarp



19 Nutrition value Energy 50 Kcal 2.5% Carbohydrates 13.81 g 11% Protein
0.5% Total Fat 0.17 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Dietary Fiber 2.40 g 6% Nutrition value Vitamins Folates 3 µg 1% Niacin 0.091 mg Pantothenic acid 0.061 mg Pyridoxine 0.041 mg 3% Riboflavin 0.026 mg 2% Thiamin 0.017 mg Vitamin C 4.6 mg 8% Vitamin E 0.18 mg Vitamin K 2.2 µg

20 Nutrition value Electrolytes Sodium 1 mg 0% Potassium 107 mg 2%
Minerals Calcium 6 mg 0.6% Iron 0.12 mg 1% Magnesium 5 mg Phosphorus 11 mg 2% Zinc 0.04 mg 0% Phyto-nutrients Carotene-ß 27 µg -- Crypto-xanthin-ß 11 µg Lutein-zeaxanthin 29 µg

21 Cultivar & species of apple



24 soil must be well-drained and easily worked
three types based on its texture: Clay soil: Sandy soil Loamy soil Apples prefer a slightly acidic to neutral soil (pH between 5.8 and 7.0)

25 Chilling reqirment Winter chilling requirements for most varieties are 500 to 1000 hr. below 45° F (7°c) but above freezing

26 There are more than 20 root stock for apple
It determine the tree eventual size



29 Apple grafting

30 Whip &tongue grafting


32 Bud grafting technique

33 Pruning & training Training Modified leader Centralleader r



36 harvestig Before they begin to ripen shrivel, scald, and bitter pit.
 Apples picked too early are susceptible to shrivel, scald, and bitter pit. Hand-pick fruit into bags, transfer gently into field bins, shade fruit in bins, then transport to packing sheds The most mature have the shortest shelf life and should be removed from storage first. Cool fruit as rapidly as possible following harvest, using forced air or hydrocooling

37 Temperature and Humidity:
Packaging packed into plastic bags or corrugated cardboard boxes Storage Temperature and Humidity: Optimal temperatures for long term storage are 30 to 32 F high humidity (95% relative humidity at 32 degrees F) Atmosphere. atmospheric pressure of 102 mm mercury (0.16 atmosphere) is often used.

38 Apple diseases

39 Apple flat limb virus v

40 Fire bligt B

41 Apple scab F

42 Apple codling moth

43 Pug moth

44 Wooly aphid Green apple aphid

45  لسعة الشمس : SUN SCALD

46 الصقيع FROST

47 النقرة المرّة - Bitter Bit :

48 Life cycle

49 Any qustion???

50 thanks

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