N ON - VERBAL C OMMUNICATION Unit: Communication.

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1 N ON - VERBAL C OMMUNICATION Unit: Communication

2 N ON - VERBAL C OMMUNICATION Seeing and receiving wordless messages Expresses more of a meaning than verbal communication Understanding the message 7% by spoken word 38% by the tone of voice 55% by body language


4 T YPES OF N ON - VERBAL C OMMUNICATION Gestures Body language and posture Facial expressions Eye contact Object communication such as clothing and hairstyles Healthy people usually pay more attention to dress People who are feeling ill show much less interest Health care workers – neat and clean uniform Touch

5 V ERBAL C OMMUNICATION Unit: Communication

6 U SES OF V ERBAL C OMMUNICATION Interactions with patients, families, and co- workers Giving reports to other health care professionals Documenting patient care

7 E LEMENTS OF E FFECTIVE C OMMUNICATION : T HE MESSAGE MUST BE CLEAR 1. Use terms that the receiver can understand 2. Use language appropriate to their level 3. Deliver the message in a clear and concise manner 4. The receiver must be able to hear and receive the message 5. The receiver must be able to understand the message 6. Interruptions or distractions must be avoided

8 E LEMENTS OF E FFECTIVE C OMMUNICATION : C ONVERSATION S KILLS 1. Control the tone of your voice 2. Be knowledgeable about the topic of conversation 3. Be flexible 4. Be clear and concise 5. Avoid words that might have different interpretations 6. Be truthful 7. Keep an open mind 8. Take advantage of available opportunities

9 E LEMENTS OF E FFECTIVE C OMMUNICATION : T HERAPEUTIC C OMMUNICATION S KILLS 1. Listening 2. Silence 3. Offering Self: Can I help in some way? 4. Reflection: repeating what the patient has said 5. Encouraging elaboration: Tell me how that felt. 6. General leading statements: Go on. I see. 7. Giving information: The rest results take about 24hrs. 8. Open ended questions: Tell me about your day

10 E LEMENTS OF E FFECTIVE C OMMUNICATION : N ON -T HERAPEUTIC C OMMUNICATION S KILLS 1. Don’t use clichés 2. Don’t use questions beginning with why or how 3. Don’t give advice 4. Don’t keep changing the subject 5. Don’t use judgmental comments

11 E LEMENTS OF E FFECTIVE C OMMUNICATION : G ENDER B IAS Words used often reflect a gender bias role Gender roles have changed in the past ten years To eliminate bias, avoid referring to doctors as male and nurses as female – address the person by name of title

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