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2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt CONSTITUTIONFEDERALISM PUBLIC OPINION.

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Presentation on theme: "2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt CONSTITUTIONFEDERALISM PUBLIC OPINION."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt CONSTITUTIONFEDERALISM PUBLIC OPINION & POLITICAL BELIEFS ALL ABOUT ELECTIONS YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD AS MINE

2 Locke argues that government can only be dissolved when?

3 What is when the govt. acts without consent of the people?

4 Identify 4 amendments that discuss/deal with suffrage and explain them

5 15 th, 17 th, 19 th, 24 th, 26 th

6 Not stated explicitly, but suggested? What are these powers called? What part of the Constitution provides for these powers (name and location)?

7 What are implied powers? Elastic Clause! Article I, Section 8, Clause 18

8 Identify 4 Principles of the Constitution and Explain each of them

9 1.Popular Sovereignty 2.Limited Government 3.Checks and Balances 4.Separation of Powers 5.Judicial Review 6.Federalism

10 DAILY DOUBLE What are the 3 obligations of national government to the states

11 What are 1.Guarantee republican form of govt. 2.Protect each state against invasion 3.Grant new states same rights as other states

12 What type of federal aid (be specific) is the main source of funding given to states by the federal government AND briefly explain the source by providing an example

13 What are categorical grants?

14 Under the Commerce Clause, what are the 3 areas/arenas that Congress can regulate?

15 1.Interstate Commerce 2.Trade with foreign nations 3.Trade with tribes/Native Americans

16 Powers denied to the National Govt. are located where? Identify 1 power denied to the National Govt.

17 Article I Section 9 1.Cannot suspend habeas corpus 2.No bills of attainder 3.No titles of nobility

18 Which Court Case established the Supremacy Clause? What other item is established with this case? Explain the Supremacy Clause and the item?

19 What is McCulloch v. Maryland, implied powers?

20 The powers that are given to Congress are referred to as? Where are they located? Identify 2 of them

21 Delegated/Enumerated/ Expressed Article I Section 8

22 Define 3 of the 4 terms: 1.Liberal 2.Conservative 3.Socialism 4.Libertarian

23 1.Big Government 2.Power to the States 3.All for one, one for all 4.Individual freedoms/decisions

24 Define Political Socialization Identify 4 Political Agents of Socialization

25 How an individual learns about politics 1.Family 2.Media 3.School 4.Religion 5.Race 6.Income 7.Education 8.Gender 9.Peers 10.Region

26 In regards to public opinion, there are 3 types of Publics. Identify each and briefly explain each

27 1.Elite 2.Attentive 3.Masses

28 Define Political Culture and provide 3 examples of characteristics of political culture

29 Shared beliefs about American Democracy? 1.Liberty 2.Individualism/Collectivism 3.Equality 4.Democracy 5.Civic Duty 6.Distrust of Govt. 7.Political Efficacy 8.Justice

30 Identify 3 characteristics of a valid scientific public opinion poll

31 What are: 1.Random Digit Dialing 2.Sampling error 3.Size of sample 4.Random sampling 5.Un-bias/non leading questions

32 What are 3 historical barriers to voting and what eliminated them as barriers?

33 1.Religion: 2.Property: 3.Race: 4.Gender: 5.Income: 6.Literacy: 7.Minimum Age 21:

34 Identify 3 types of presidential primaries! Explain the difference between the two?

35 Open Closed Blanket Top-Two

36 What piece of legislation/law opens up the process of selecting delegates? (Creation of primaries comes from this law/legislation)

37 What is the McGovern- Fraser Commission

38 Identify three drawbacks of the current presidential nominating system

39 1.Low participation 2.All about media as opposed to policies 3.Too lengthy 4.Not representative of nation 5.Selectorate vs. Electorate

40 Identify 2 campaign finance changes that were made by McCain- Feingold

41 1.Doubled Hard-Money 2.No more unlimited soft money (regulated) 3.Regulates when issue advocacy ads can be run (30/60 days)

42 In United States v. Lopez, the Supreme Court ruled that

43 Gun Free School Zones Act exceeded Congress's authority to regulate commerce among the states.

44 In most presidential elections since 1980, the most strongly Republican area has been

45 What is the South

46 What are two ways the Constitution can be informally amended? AND provide examples

47 1.Acts of Congress (Civil Rights Act 1964) 2.Judicial Rulings (Plessy v. Ferguson) 3.Presidential Actions (executive privilege/order)

48 A.What are the 3 interstate obligations that the each state has with all of the others B.Describe each

49 1.Full Faith and Credit Clause 2.Privileges & Immunities 3.Extradition

50 DAILY DOUBLE Describe the two step process of impeachment and what part of govt. does what and with what vote?

51 The House impeaches (majority vote) The Senate convicts (two- thirds vote)

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