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1 Promoting Health Module 32. 2 Promoting Health Promoting health is generally defined as the absence of disease. We tend to only think of health when.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Promoting Health Module 32. 2 Promoting Health Promoting health is generally defined as the absence of disease. We tend to only think of health when."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Promoting Health Module 32

2 2 Promoting Health Promoting health is generally defined as the absence of disease. We tend to only think of health when we are diseased. However, health psychologists say that promoting health begins by preventing illness and enhancing well-being, which is a constant endeavor.

3 3 Coping with Stress Reducing stress by changing events that cause stress or by changing how we react to stress is called problem-focused coping. Emotion-focused coping is when we cannot change a stressful situation, and we respond by attending to our own emotional needs.

4 4 Perceived Control Research with rats and humans indicates that the absence of control over stressors is a predictor of health problems.

5 5 Explanatory Style People with an optimistic (instead of pessimistic) explanatory style tend to have more control over stressors, cope better with stressful events, have better moods, and have a stronger immune system.

6 6 Social Support Supportive family members, marriage partners, and close friends help people cope with stress.

7 7 Managing Stress Effects Having a sense of control, an optimistic explanatory style, and social support can reduce stress and improve health.

8 8 Aerobic Exercise Many studies suggest that aerobic exercise can elevate mood and well- being because aerobic exercise raises energy, increases self- confidence, and lowers tension, depression, and anxiety.

9 9 Promoting Health  Biofeedback  An electronic technique that enables a person to control physiological responses that are normally involuntary  blood pressure  muscle tension

10 10 Promoting Health  Modifying Type A life-style can reduce recurrence of heart attacks Percentage of patients with recurrent heart attacks (cumulative average) 65432106543210 Year 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Life-style modification patients Control patients Modifying life-style reduced recurrent heart attacks

11 11 Spirituality & Faith Communities Regular religious attendance has been a reliable predictor of a longer life span with a reduced risk of dying.

12 12 Intervening Factors Investigators suggest there are three factors that connect religious involvement and better health.

13 13 EXPLORING PSYCHOLOGY (7th Edition in Modules) David Myers PowerPoint Slides Aneeq Ahmad Henderson State University Worth Publishers, © 2008

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