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 Isaac and Ishmael  Crusades  Arabs and Turks  Ottomans  Post WWI  Zionism  Balfour Declaration=Mandates  Unrepresentive borders  Palestine created.

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Presentation on theme: " Isaac and Ishmael  Crusades  Arabs and Turks  Ottomans  Post WWI  Zionism  Balfour Declaration=Mandates  Unrepresentive borders  Palestine created."— Presentation transcript:


2  Isaac and Ishmael  Crusades  Arabs and Turks  Ottomans  Post WWI  Zionism  Balfour Declaration=Mandates  Unrepresentive borders  Palestine created


4  1947 UN Creates partition of Palestine for a State of Israel  Immediately met with Palestinian/Arab résistance  Attracts young, able bodied defenders of Israel

5  Arabs constantly try to take land in 50’s and 60’s.  Israel is being supported by UN, and US especially.  Arab forces threaten and Israel attacks all nations surround them in 1967 Six Day War  Israel’s land expand dramatically.  Arabs attempt to retaliate in 1973 Yom Kippur War (Jewish holiday) and lose


7  Due to individual acts of terrorism, Israel continues to police and monitor areas of Palestinian majority.  1995 Palestine was recognized as a country  Since then, Israel has still policed  This has led to …..



10  1983: US Embassy/Marine Barracks Lebanon  299 American and French  1985: TWA hijacker  1986: Pan Am flight over Scotland  243 Killed

11  Iraq led by Sadaam Hussein attacks Kuwait to gain oil, and access to Persia Gulf  US leads UN forces to liberate Kuwait  Liberation takes days  Saudi Arabia supports US and is used as a staging ground and ally for US forces  Wealthy young Osama Bin Laden sees US as Pro-Israeli and desecrating Islamic Holy Land  Bin Laden uses wealth to fund terrorist organization ‘Al-Qaeda’ or ‘Base’ (its origins go back to Soviet Afghanistan attack)



14  Bin Laden and Al Qaeda begin planning terror attacks:  1993 World Trade Center  Parking lot car bomb  6 Killed  1996 plot to assassinate President Clinton uncovered

15  August 7, 1998  2 US Embassies in East Africa are attacked  Dar es Salaam, Tanzania  Nairobi, Kenya  Over 300 Killed  October, 2000  USS Cole attacked  17 Sailors killed

16  World Trade Center  Sept. 11, 2001  Almost 3,000 killed  Planned/trained in Afghanistan

17  October 7 th, 2001  Afghanistan attack  ‘War on Terror’ begun  Bin Laden issued multiple video/radio messages revealing responsibility, challenges to US Response  Pakistan supports US response  November 30, 2001 Taliban is overthrown

18  May 1, 2011  Osama Bin Laden Killed in Pakistan compound





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