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TERENA Technical Programme John Martin Chief Technical Officer TERENA betterResearchNetworking betterResearchNetworking.

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Presentation on theme: "TERENA Technical Programme John Martin Chief Technical Officer TERENA betterResearchNetworking betterResearchNetworking."— Presentation transcript:

1 TERENA Technical Programme John Martin Chief Technical Officer TERENA betterResearchNetworking betterResearchNetworking

2 TERENA is... 40 Research and Education network operators covering Europe and beyond Political representation and lobbying Forum for collaboration on technical issues Technology Transfer

3 TERENA Technical Programme Working Groups –Semi-permanent general discussion fora (Internationalization, lower layers, etc.) Task Forces –More dynamic –Address current issues (caching, indexing, ATM testing, etc.) Workshops / Conferences –Annual Research Networking Conferences JENC, TERENA Networking Conference 1998 –Workshops NATO Advanced Networking Workshops DESIRE II Workshops Projects

4 Working Groups Network Operations and Quality (WG-QMN) Networked Multimedia Applications (WG-NMA) Lower Layer Technology (WG-LLT) Security - CERT, Certification (WG-SEC) User Support and Training (WG-ISUS) Internationalization Issues (WG-I18N) Mail & Messaging (WG-MSG) (about 1000 members)

5 Task Forces Advanced Networking Technologies (TF-TANT) Traffic Metrics and Statistics (TF-ETM) Web Caching and Replication (TF-CACHE) Searching and Indexing (TF-CHIC) User Support Issues (TF-ETINU) User Documentation, e.g. GNRT (TF-TOOLDOC)

6 TERENA Technical Projects

7 Recent pilot projects

8 CHIC Pilot (Distributed Web Indexing / Searching) Partners: –Univ. Warsaw (ICM) –Univ. Edinburgh, Loughborough, Kent, Lund –DTV –SURFnet –Univ. Bristol (UKOLN) Contributions from TF-CHIC Objectives: –Link all the existing web indexes in Europe to provide better search facilities Deliverables: –A pan-European search engine Technologies: –Harvest SOIF, Z39.50, AltaVista, InfoSeek, WHOIS++

9 ERUST (Evaluation of User Support Systems and Technologies) Contracted to George Munroe, Discovery Includes collaboration with IETF User Services Working Group, WG-ISUS, TF-ETINU Objectives: –provide tools and recommendations for online user support systems Deliverables: –a survey on current user support requirements –a list of software modules for online user support

10 World-Wide Web Proxy-Caching (Network Monitoring, caching “appliance”, Inter-cache routing) Contracted to the University of Loughborough, UK Active contributions from TF-CACHE Close collaboration with DESIRE, NLAR (US) Objectives: –Wider deployment of caching technologies Deliverables: –Network monitoring tools –Cache “appliance” CD-ROM –Inter-cache routing using AS –URN testbed and FTP mirror tracking Technologies: –Squid, ICP, CIDR, URN

11 Multilingual Email Clients - A Test Contracted to Yuri Demchenko, Kiev Polytechnic Institute Partners in Russia, Slovenia, Greece and Belarus Reporting to WG-I18N and WG-MSG Objectives: –Determine interoperability of email systems for non- ASCII text Deliverables: –Test criteria for ML testing –Report on conformance for most popular clients

12 Internet Streaming Media –Proposed by SURFnet –Objectives: –Investigation of streaming technologies and their impact on networks –Needs partners Clearing House for Internet Projects (CHIP) –Proposed by various –Objectives: –To produce pilot project information service –Started October 1998 pilot projects in the pipeline Pilot project details from:

13 Recent pilots very successful –web caching / indexing, multilingual email... –see: Lessons learned: –Process works results have been widely deployed, reported and are well received lots of interest from the community in continuing –but... need faster response / development cycle need scope for larger projects (e.g. >40 kECU) need to also encourage more large-scale activities need better marketing of results (beyond TERENA) New call September 1998 TERENA Pilot Projects Initiative

14 Objectives –innovation –short-term gains –proof of concept Small-medium projects –10-50 kECU –projects up to 100k considered (for external funding) –small number of partners –short timescale (< 6 months) –technically innovative! Pilot project submission details from: Call for New Pilot Projects (Sept. 1998)

15 TERENA Technical Staff –John Martin, Chief Technical Officer –web caching and replication, DESIRE II –security issues, SIRCE –Peter Valkenburg, PDO –web indexing and searching, DESIRE II –Information Services, GNRT –SCIMITAR project management –Kevin Meynell, PDO –TEN-34 –traffic measurements –DEVICE –Yuri Demchenko, PDO –multilingual / internationalization issues –mail and messaging

16 Vacancy: Project Development Officer The job... –developing and managing new technical developments in research networking The requirements –preferably a background in computer science or related –thorough knowledge of computer networking The benefits –forefront of technology development –located in centre of Amsterdam Contact –any TERENA staff –send c.v. to John Martin

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