1 Engineer. Qais. T. Qaqzeh Director of Trade & Transport Facilitation Executive Secretariat Ministry of Transport / Jordan Dubai - April, 2013 Trade &

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1 1 Engineer. Qais. T. Qaqzeh Director of Trade & Transport Facilitation Executive Secretariat Ministry of Transport / Jordan Dubai - April, 2013 Trade & Transport Facilitation

2 Agenda Outlook to the TTF, Funding, Challenges, Coming soon. 2 Introduction about TTF IN Jordan (Background & Establishment ) Mechanism of TTF In Jordan Structure of TTF in Jordan Achievements, Activities & Projects

3 3 (Background & Establishment )  In 2003 the Council of Ministers issued a decision to incorporate the National Committee for Transport and Trade Facilitation in Jordan based on the correspondence between the Ministry of Transport and ESCWA along with emphasis on the importance of National Committees for coordinating between all the relevant State and Private authorities in order to facilitate international transport and trade and remove obstacles facing export and consignment towards increasing trade exchange between the countries of the region and the world.  According to a decision made by the Council of Ministers in 2011, the National Committee was reformed for facilitation of transport and trade. Besides  In 2005 the Council of Ministers issued a decision to incorporate the Technical Committee which is work through the office of the Executive Secretariat for Transport and Trade Facilitation

4 4 NC-TTF The National Committee meeting is held and organized by the Executive Secretariat to deliver recommendations for proposals suggested by the Technical committee concerning the issues addressed according to its objectives. The National Committee will submit its recommendations to the Jordan Council of Ministers for taking the proper decision and for directing the relevant ministries and authorities to implement such recommendations and proposals within their areas of competence. Structure of TTF Programme in Jordan

5 5 The National Committee for Transport and Trade Facilitation is chaired by H.E. Minister of Transport and consists of the following members: HE Minister of Industry and Trade HE Minister of Planning and International Cooperation HE Minister of Public Works and Housing HE Minister of Interior HE Minister of Agriculture HE Chairman of Jordan Chamber of Industry/Representative of the Private Sector HE Director General of the General Customs Department HE Chairman of Jordan Chamber of Commerce/Representative of the Private Sector

6 6 TTF Executive Secretariat Unit The Ministry of Transport has recently and in June 2011 incorporated the General Secretariat for Trade and Transport Facilitation through funding and technical assistance extended by the European Union (EU) Program for Trade and Transport Facilitation. Structure of TTF Programme in Jordan

7 7 Improve partners’ capacity building in the transport and trade sector. Build and reinforce local and regional cooperation for facilitating transport and trade. Provide technical assistance in support of the Ministry of Transport along with the institutions and regulatory commissions affiliated with the Ministry for upgrading the transport sector. Support both National and Technical Committees for transport and trade Facilitation through the General Secretariat by following up the works of both Committees along with the decisions and recommendations related to facilitating transport and trade. Facilitate transport and trade, simplify and harmonize procedures and operations. Reduce cost and time, reinforce security and all facilitation methods through providing a series of transport services and exchanging documents related to international trade.

8 8 Consolidate the national competitive capacity for increasing exports. Simplify procedures and remove obstacles facing trade between countries for increasing trade and tourist exchange. Improve transport and trade facilitation strategy. Coordinate and follow-up on the efforts intended to improve the trans-border flow and influx of goods. Work earnestly for improving logistic services and increase efficiency in overcoming all the obstacles facing this sector in order to create a competitive environment at the sartorial level in transport and trade sector.

9 9 Structure of TTF Programme in JordanTC-TTF  Following-up on the developments related to transport and trade facilitation issues, and prepare the necessary documents, draft proposals and recommendations on transport and trade facilitation issues.  The Technical Committee members will, each according to his area of competence, coordinate with the authority which he represents for presenting any new issues and proposals on any obstacles or developments related to transport and trade facilitation to the Technical Committee in preparation for submitting them to the National Committee to take the proper decision concerning such issues and proposals.  The Technical Committee will, through the office of the Executive Secretariat for Transport and Trade Facilitation, coordinate with the relevant Ministries and authorities on developments related to transport and trade facilitation issues.  The Technical Committee meets regularly on a monthly basis and as necessary according to developments pertaining to transport and trade facilitation issues.

10 10 The TTF Technical Committee is Headed by the GS of MoT Governmental Parties: 1.Ministry of Transport. 2.Ministry of Industry and Trade. 3.Ministry of Industry and Trade/Jordan Institution for Standards and Metrology (JISM). 4.Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation. 5.Ministry of Finance/Customs. 6.Ministry of Public Works and Housing. 7.Ministry of Interior. 8.Ministry of Agriculture. 9.Ministry of Health/Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA). 10.Aqaba Development Company. 11.Ports Corporation. 12.Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission. 13.Jordan Maritime Authority. 14.Jordan Corporation for Economic Projects Development. 15.Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA). 16.Land Transport Regulatory Commission. 17.Public Security Directorate/Borders and Residence Department Private Sector Parties: 1.Jordan Chamber of Industry. 2.Jordan Chamber of Commerce. 3.Forwarders Association Owners Syndicate. 4.Syndicate of Jordanian Trucks Owners. 5.Jordan Logistics Shipping Agents Association. 6.Jordan Exporters Association. 7.Nafith Logistics Services Company. 8.Aqaba Container Terminal (ACT). 9.Jordan Shipping Association

11 Decisions of TTF-NC Yes Recomm endation s Outcomes of TTF-TC 1)Subcommittee (1): Aqaba Port & Dry ports. Team Objectives:  Accelerate the Operations through Appling ICT System in Aqaba port and Boarders.  Reduce the time of Stay in Aqaba. 2) Subcommittee (2): Operating of Qualified Operator. Team Objectives:  Facilitate Customs Operations Management.  Control of Control Centers.  Reduce Procedure & Documents in Data Base. 3) Subcommittee (3): Safe Supply Chain. Team Objectives :  Develop a national TTF Strategy Upon the Requirements.  S.W Implementation 4) Subcommittee (4): Food & Agricultural products Exports & Imports. Team Objectives :  Reduce Duplication for Imports Control on Boarders.  Reduce the Governmental Tax. 5) Subcommittee (5): Overlapping of References in Aqaba. Team Objectives: Gathering Efforts in one Party. Outcomes of TTF-TC Receive the Matter Study & Evaluation Solutions & Recommendations TTF - ES No TTF Work Mechanisms:

12 12

13 13 Progress of TTF Programme (Activities &Projects) Support of NC TC Meetings TTF ES Activities MoT – ES Unit EU Support TTF Experts Training & Capacity Building Propagation: Website, leaflets, Brochures, PR Action plan Action Plan TTF strategy Revising the Organizational Structure. Achievements, Activities and Projects April, 2013 LTTP Outlook of TTF ES Unit (Separable & independent)

14 14

15 15 Long Term Comprehensive Training Programme(LTCTP)

16 Creating a an appropriate platform for organized dialogue, coordinating between the parties participating in the international process of transport and trade, and reinforcing cooperation and partnership between the Government and the Private Sector in the field of transport and trade development.  Reduce cost and time, reinforce security and all facilitation methods through.  Hold specialized studies in the field of transport and trade facilitation. Decrease the Documents Cost & Time. Improve the Administrative Procedures & Efficiency. Simplify and Enhance Complementary for the TTF Procedures. Build and reinforce local and regional cooperation for facilitating transport and trade. providing a series of transport services and exchanging documents related to international trade  Reinforce the logistic Services Database  Enhance the Customs Procedures TTF-NC TTF ES Unit Outlook to the TTF Executive Secretariat in Jordan LTCTP  S.W  Golden List Enhance the National Capability of EX & IM National Export Strategy (NES) EC, ESCWA, UNCTAD Website, Brochures, newsletter, seminars, technical and regional workshops TTF Propagation TTF Strategy Building Action Plan PR Plan TC & Stakeholders

17 17 1. The European Union (EU) Program for Trade and Transport Facilitation 2. The annual budgets of the Ministry of Transport. Sources of Funding?

18 18 Challenges: Lack of Senior Trained Staff. Receiving proposals on time. Funding issues. Gathering all of the members of the Technical committee in the regular meeting.

19 19 Coming Soon The 2 nd international TTF Technical Workshop in the 1 st week of June,2013. 17 th International conference for transport on roads in the 3d week of June, 2013.

20 20 Thanks for sharing the knowledge

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