Vsvs Ireland vs America. Ireland America  president of the USA  Barrack Obama  elected by the people  4 year term  the US Congress  president of.

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1 vsvs Ireland vs America

2 Ireland America  president of the USA  Barrack Obama  elected by the people  4 year term  the US Congress  president of Ireland  Michael D Higgins  elected by the people  7 year term  the Oireachtas/parliament Type of government/constitution

3 IrelandAmerica  freedom of speech and press  free religion  freedom to bear arms but may not own class 3 weaponry and must get a background check with the purchase of every gun  blasphemy law restricts freedom of speech  free religion  may own limited range fire arms but must get there fire arm certification renewed every three years Rights of the nation

4 IrelandAmerica  multiparty system  political parties include the democratic party, the republican party and the independent party  multiparty system  political parties include the green party, the workers party and union left Political parties

5 IrelandAmerica  Democratic party - Debbie Wasserman Schultz - mixed economy and social justice - Donkey  Republican party - Reince Priebus - American conservatism - Elephant  Green party - Eamon Ryan - Social and environmental justice - Sunflower  The workers party - Michael Donnelly - fight for the working class - a hammer More political parties


7 IrelandAmerica You must be a citizen of the United States for at least one month before the next primary, special, municipal, or general election. A resident of Pennsylvania and the election district in which you want to register and vote for at least 30 days before the next primary, special, municipal, or general election. At least 18 years of age on or before the day of the next primary, special, municipal, or general election. Elections are held every 4 years. You must be at least 18 years of age on 15 February, the day the Register comes into force. You must also have been ordinarily resident in the State on 1 September in the year before the Register comes into force. While you may be entitled to register as a voter due to your residency, there may be a limit on the types of elections in which you can vote. The registration authority will need to know your citizenship because this will determine the elections at which you may vote. Elections are held every 7 years. Elections and voting

8 IrelandAmerica  In the United States, a tax is imposed on income by the federal, most state, and many local governments. The income tax is determined by applying a tax rate  In Ireland there is an income tax, a VAT, and various other taxes. Employees pay pay-as-you-earn taxes based on their income Taxes and government finance

9 IrelandAmerica  Crime rate: 4.7 crimes per day  prison population: 2,266,800 prisoners  highest punishment: death penalty  Crime rate: 1.2 crimes per day  prison population: 3,747 prisoners  highest punishment: life in prison law

10 U.S. relations with Ireland have long been based on common ancestral ties and shared values. Besides regular dialogue on political and economic issues, the united states and Irish governments have official exchanges in areas such as medical research and education. Ireland pursues a policy of neutrality through non-alignment. However on many occasions Ireland has provided tacit support to the United States and its allies. Ireland and the us current relations

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