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The Respiratory System Thorax and Lungs Rachel S. Natividad, RN, MSN, NP.

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Presentation on theme: "The Respiratory System Thorax and Lungs Rachel S. Natividad, RN, MSN, NP."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Respiratory System Thorax and Lungs Rachel S. Natividad, RN, MSN, NP

2 Lobes and Landmarks

3 Performing the Assessment: Subjective Data  ROS -Ask about dyspnea, cough, chest pain (PQRST format)  Short interview sessions if resp. distress / tiring easily

4 Assessment begins…. Inspection… …Always first!!!  The moment you see the patient. What position is most comfortable for him? Does he appear relaxed, anxious, uncomfortable? Is he having any trouble breathing? Tripod Position

5 Focused Assessment  Inspection-cont.  Color, Size and shape & symmetry of chest, any lesions or scars Anterior LateralPosterior Anterior LateralPosterior

6 Altered size/shape: Barrel Chest  Increased Anteroposterior:Transverse Diameter 1:21:1

7 Barrel Chest

8 Asymmetrical chest  Fractured ribs/ flail chest  Pneumothorax  atelectasis  paralysis of the diaphragm  Spinal deformity Scoliosis

9 Intercostal Spaces and Muscles Retractions

10 Focused Assessment Cont…  Resp. rate (per min.) and depth (shallow, even, deep)  Normal pattern of respiration – regular rhythm

11 Relating to other systems…  Skin: cyanosis, pallor  Nails: Clubbing Spongy nail matrix and nail angle of greater than 160 degrees Spongy nail matrix and nail angle of greater than 160 degrees

12 Focused Assessment Cont.: Palpation  Check for tenderness (normally nontender)  Crepitus – SQ air pockets  Tactile fremitus – increased with fluid accumulation Abnormal if tumor, fractured ribs, chest tubes, wound site, fluid

13 Focused Assessment: Auscultation


15 Normal Breath Sounds

16 Adventitious/Abnormal Breath Sounds (T 11-2) p.132 Continuous sounds  Wheezes Sibilant Sibilant Sonorous (Rhonchi) Sonorous (Rhonchi) Discontinuous sounds  Crackles (Rales) Fine Course *Atelectic crackles Stridor Pleural friction rub

17 Wheezes (Continuous) Sibililant wheeze Heard 1 st in expiration  high-pitched musical sounds  Partial blockage in airflow Sonorous wheeze (rhonchi) Heard primarily in expiration  low pitched – snoring, rattling sound  Air passes through large airways filled with fluid/ secretions

18 Interpreting what you hear…  Is the sound is continuous or discontinuous?  Is the sound occur during inhalation or exhalation, or both?

19 Crackles (Discontinuous) FINE vs. COURSEFINE vs. COURSE Caused by collapsed or fluid- filled alveoli popping openCaused by collapsed or fluid- filled alveoli popping open usually heard in the lung bases during inhalation usually heard in the lung bases during inhalation Atelectic crackles Sridor Pleural friction rub – pericarditis

20 Abnormal Breath Sounds  Diminished breath sounds  Absent breath sounds

21 Assessment Guide: Gas Exchange Respiratory Respiratory Rate: 18 resp/minRate: 18 resp/min Depth: deep, even, shallowDepth: deep, even, shallow Effort: labored, unlaboredEffort: labored, unlabored Breath Sounds Breath Sounds Describe: clear, rhonchi, inspiratory/expiratory wheezes, cracklesDescribe: clear, rhonchi, inspiratory/expiratory wheezes, crackles Location: all lobes, throughout lung fields, LLL, RUL/RML, lower lobes bilat.Location: all lobes, throughout lung fields, LLL, RUL/RML, lower lobes bilat. Cough: present/not presentCough: present/not present Describe: productive, moist, nonproductiveDescribe: productive, moist, nonproductive Sputum: large amount, thick yellow; moderate pink frothy sputum, sml. Amt. thin clear sputum.Sputum: large amount, thick yellow; moderate pink frothy sputum, sml. Amt. thin clear sputum.

22  Interventions in use:  Position, Turn, Cough, Deep breathe  O2 Method: nc, venti mask, rebreathing mask Flow rate: 2L/min; 3l/min Flow rate: 2L/min; 3l/min Humidity: yes/no Humidity: yes/no  Pulse Oximeter: continuous, spot monitoring  Incentive Spirometer: in use, n/a Time used: 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm Time used: 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm Volume: 500 cc, 500 cc, 600 cc, 800 cc Volume: 500 cc, 500 cc, 600 cc, 800 cc  Oropharyngeal Suctioning: Describe- moderate amount thick tan secretions  Med List: Albuterol inhaler, Prednisone, Theophylline

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