D&T: Electronics and Control Systems Unit A513: Making Quality Products Name: Candidate number: Centre Number: 16527.

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Presentation on theme: "D&T: Electronics and Control Systems Unit A513: Making Quality Products Name: Candidate number: Centre Number: 16527."— Presentation transcript:

1 D&T: Electronics and Control Systems Unit A513: Making Quality Products Name: Candidate number: Centre Number: 16527

2 Designing (slide 2) Theme Choice Choose and state the theme for the project. Explain why you have chosen it. Use a mind map (spider diagram) explore possibilities. Show a range of possible problems and situations related to the theme. For example: Choose one to develop for your project – show your choice on the chart This could be hand drawn and scanned into your presentation

3 investigate Brainstorm and investigate your users, your place and other products like your intended product. WHAT Investigation of Users’ Needs Designing (slide 3)

4 Designing (slide 4) Users Needs What does the user need to solve the problem you have identified? Evidence that there is a need (WHAT): – Annotated pictures – Newspaper clippings describing a situation or a need as appropriate. Evidence of users (WHO): – Brief survey – People in newspaper clippings Evidence of the situation (WHERE) – Pictures showing where there might be a problem and where the solution you propose might be used.

5 Creativity (slide 5) Carry out a brief questionnaire Produce 10 questions that will help discover information that will show that people exist who have the problem you are exploring. Get 10 people to answer your questions. Ask questions to identify WHAT the problem might be. Ask questions to identify WHO might have the problem and might want your product. Ask questions to identify WHEN and WHERE the problem might be. Ask questions to identify the nature of the possible solution. (This might help you draw up your specification. Don’t forget to explain why you ask each question – don’t ask pointless questions that you will not learn anything from. Make sure you do a tally of the results and explain what they show

6 Designing (slide 6) The Design Brief Summarise what you have found out so far in terms of there being a definite situation, a recognised problem and people who have a need for what you could design to help them. Write a clear Design Brief that describes clearly what you are going to design and make. Write down what you need to do next or find out next e.g. – Find out more detail about the problem and the related need. – Decide in detail what your circuit is going to need to do to solve the problem. – What circuits and components might be available for you to use. – Decide what your case has got to be like – what shapes and colours might be appropriate. – What software you have available to you, to help you solve the problem and design a solution.

7 Designing (slide 7) The Specification Summarise the information to produce a list of points that describe what your “product” will need to be like to solve the problem. You need to describe what the circuit will need to do to solve the problem. Function: – What it needs to sense – inputs – What it needs to do when whatever is sensed – output – Include any timings if appropriate – delays etc. – Include indicators etc. Power supply. Safety features. Mention how it will be manufactured / constructed (PCB etc.). You need to describe what the case or container needs to be like, it needs to be related to the overall function of the product. Include safety requirements Include a suggestion of sizes required. Mention how it will be manufactured / constructed (Vacuum formed using HIPS - High impact polystyrene sheet etc.).

8 Designing (slide 8) System Diagram Show a systems chart to show possible inputs, outputs and processes. Show pictures of the components required for each input or output mentioned. Do not include combining inputs and delays if not appropriate to what you are designing – although you could use the columns to show that the response is immediate. (i.e. 0 seconds.) Delay before INPUT INPUT Combine inputs? Delay after INPUT PROCESS Delay before OUTPUT OUTPUT Time delay between power on and input sensed? Delete these instructions from your table. List of possible things that could be sensed + images of possible components. More than one input that needs combining ? – e.g. AND or OR? Time delay after input sensed? List of possible ways that the output can be controlled. Time delay before the output is turned on. List of possible outputs ( include power indicators etc.) + images of possible components

9 Design (slides 9-12) Slide 9/10 – Ideas for the circuit Produce a range of circuits (3/4 at least) that could solve the problem: – Picture of each circuit – from internet, hand drawn and scanned in or from circuit wizard. – Brief description of the circuit saying what does in terms of what it senses and how it controls its outputs. – How well it could it solve the problem? Choose one circuit for modelling in circuit wizard and further development – Don’t forget explain why you have chosen the circuit. Slide 11/12– Ideas for the case Produce a range of ideas for the case for the product. – Could be drawn using “sketchup” or by hand. – Label and annotate each idea. – The case could be made, bought or be something that could be modified to suit the need. Choose one case for further development – Don’t forget explain why you have chosen the case.

10 Design (slide 13) Development of the chosen circuit Build the chosen circuit in circuit wizard – Show screen shots of the circuit being developed – component values being changed to fine tune the way it works (especially in terms of timing delays etc.) – Show annotated screen shots of the circuit being tested to show that it will work and that it will solve the problem. It is important that at least three annotated stages are shown of the circuit being developed. Use screenshots to show the development of your program so that it will meet the needs of your solution. Use screen shots to show your circuit working so that it is clear that it solves the problem.

11 Design (slide 14) Development of the PCB Show the stages of the development of the finished circuit into the final PCB You must show at least 3 stages of development. Each stage must be annotated to describe the changes and the reasons for them. The final PCB must be shown including the off board components and the connecting wires – it would be a good idea to label this final stage. Include screen shots of the testing of the final PCB layout to show that it solves the problem. (Even better - show how you tested each stage of the PCB development to check that it still works). The list of components must be included – images of the components to be used could get extra marks. (from earlier in the project?)

12 Design (slide 15) Development of the chosen case Draw the chosen case in “sketchup” – Include a couple of different views to show it’s features. Draw your case to show it’d dimensions. Make a card model of the case to investigate its size and shape. – Try to sketch on where switches etc.

13 Making (slide 16) Planning for manufacture (Circuit) Use the table below to describe how you plan to make your circuit. Use the information and pictures of equipment on my website to help you.website Description of Process Tools/Materials required TimeQuality control (what you will do to make sure high quality is achieved) Design PCB and create mask Cut board to size Expose Mask and photoPCB to UV Develop exposed PCB Etch PCB Drill holes in solder pads Add resistors Add capacitors Add transistors/thyristors Add Chip socket Add off board components Add chip to socket Delete any of the processes that don’t apply You need to add detail to this column for each process

14 Making (slide 17) Planning for manufacture (case) Use the table below to describe how you plan to make your case. Use the information and pictures of equipment on my website to help you.website Description of Process Tools/Materials required TimeQuality control (what you will do to make sure high quality is achieved) Create/modify mould/former Cut HIPS to size Place former into vacuum former Clamp HIPS sheet into vacuum former Pull heated HIPS down over former When cool remove the former Remove edges and trim with profile cutter Mark out and drill/cut holes for switches etc Fit switches etc. Delete any of the processes that don’t apply You need to add detail to this column for each process

15 Making (slides 18-22 approx) Manufacture of the circuit Include photographs to show the stages of the making of your circuit Annotate each picture to show what is happening. Highlight any problems that were encountered and what you did to solve the problem or anything that you changed as the circuit was constructed (i.e. what is different to what you planned.) This is an important part of the mark scheme. In addition: – You must include a clear photo of the whole circuit including the off board components and the connecting wires. – You must include a clear photo of the top side of the PCB showing the components. – You must include a clear photo of the underside of the PCB showing the soldered joints. To ensure the marks for problem solving are gained it might be best if the changes made and the problems encountered are summarised at the end of this section.

16 Making (Continued) Manufacture of the case Include photographs to show the stages of the making of your case Annotate each picture to show what is happening. Highlight any problems that were encountered and what you did to solve the problem or anything that you changed as the case was constructed (i.e. what is different to what you planned.) – You must include a photo of the finished product showing the “insides” clearly – You must include a photo of the finished product from the outside showing switches etc. mounted on the case together with the external components. (as part of evaluation)

17 Evaluation (slide 23) Testing your circuit Show a step by step plan that can be used to test your finished circuit. Write it as if it were for a person who does not know how it is supposed to work. – If you have created a test program to test the inputs and outputs of your circuit, include it here with an explanation of what it is for. Tick of each step to show that the circuit works. Write a conclusion with respect to the overall functioning of your product. Evaluation Evaluate you product fully (in detail) against the product specification. – I’ve included a table as a suggested approach. Ensure that you make it clear how well your product solves the original problem. – In terms of function – In terms of ease of use etc. (ergonomics) – In terms of suitability for use in the situation/environment it was intended for. Include at least two photos of the product in use – Show inside and outside detail (mentioned earlier)

18 Evaluation (slide 24) Evaluation (continued) Specification pointsHow well specification point met Reasons (if any) for not meeting specification point What could be changed to meet the specification point

19 Evaluation (slide 25) Improvements In summary, describe how the circuit could be improved to function better to solve the problem more effectively. – Different inputs – More inputs – Different control of the outputs – Different outputs In summary, describe how the case and positioning of switches etc. could be improved to allow the product to be used more easily or successfully to solve the problem more effectively.

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