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7-2 Decision Making: How Individuals and Groups Arrive at Decisions Copyright © 2008 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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2 7-2 Decision Making: How Individuals and Groups Arrive at Decisions Copyright © 2008 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin Organizational Behavior, Core Concepts 7 Organizational Behavior core concepts

3 7-3 Learning Objectives Compare the rational model of decision making with Simon’s normative model. Discuss knowledge management and ways that companies increase knowledge sharing. Explain the model of decision-making styles and the stages of the creative process.

4 7-4 Learning Objectives Summarize pros and cons of involving groups in the decision-making process. Explain how participative management affects performance. Describe techniques used to improve the quality of group decisions

5 7-5 Models of Decision Making Decision making –identifying and choosing solutions that lead to a desired result

6 7-6 Models of Decision Making The Rational Model –logical four-step approach to decision making.

7 7-7 The Rational Model 1.Identifying the problem 2.Generating alternative solutions 3.Selecting a solution 4.Implementing and evaluating the solution

8 7-8 Rational Model Identifying the Problem –Problem – exists when the actual situation and the desired situation differ Generating Solutions –For routine decisions alternatives are readily available through decision rules

9 7-9 Rational Model Selecting a Solution –Want to maximize the expected utility of an outcome –People vary in their preferences for safety or risk –Ethics should be considered

10 7-10 Rational Model Selecting a Solution –Evaluating alternatives assume they can be judged according to some criteria –Assumes valid criteria exists –Each alternative can be compared to these criteria –Decision maker actually uses the criteria

11 7-11 Rational Model Implementing and Evaluating the Solution –After solution is implemented, the evaluation phase is used to evaluate its effectiveness –Optimizing – choosing the best possible solution

12 7-12 Simon’s Normative Model Decision making is characterized by: 1.Limited information processing 2.Use of judgmental heuristics 3.Satisficing

13 7-13 Simon’s Normative Model Bounded rationality –constraints that restrict decision making

14 7-14 Simon’s Normative Model Limited Information Processing Tendency to acquire manageable rather than optimal amounts of information Difficult for managers to identify all possible alternative solutions

15 7-15 Question? What is a rule of thumb that people use to reduce information processing demands? A.Decision maker B.Judgmental heuristics C.Judgmental verdict D.Decision conclusion

16 7-16 Simon’s Normative Model Judgmental heuristics –rules of thumb or shortcuts that people use to reduce information processing demands.

17 7-17 Simon’s Normative Model Availability heuristic –tendency to base decisions on information readily available in memory. Representativeness heuristic –tendency to assess the likelihood of an event occurring based on impressions about similar occurrences.

18 7-18 Simon’s Normative Model Satisficing –choosing a solution that meets a minimum standard

19 7-19 Dynamics of Decision Making Knowledge management –implementing systems and practices that increase the sharing of knowledge and information throughout an organization

20 7-20 Forms of Knowledge Tacit knowledge –information gained through experience that is difficult to express and formalize. Explicit knowledge –information that can be easily put into words and shared with others.

21 7-21 General Decision Making Styles Decision making styles –combination of how individuals perceive and respond to information

22 7-22 General Decision Making Styles Value orientation –reflects the extent to which an individual focuses on either task and technical concerns or people and social concerns when making decisions Tolerance for ambiguity –extent to which a person has a high need for structure or control in his life

23 7-23 Decision Making Styles Figure 7-1

24 7-24 Escalation of Commitment Escalation of commitment –sticking to an ineffective course of action too long

25 7-25 Escalation of Commitment Psychological and Social Determinants 1.Tend to bias facts so that they support previous decisions 2.Take more risks when a decision is stated in negative terms 3.Get too ego-involved with the project

26 7-26 Escalation of Commitment Organizational Determinants Breakdowns in communication Workplace politics Organizational inertia

27 7-27 Escalation of Commitment Project Characteristics Tendency to attribute setbacks to temporary causes that are correctable with additional expenditures

28 7-28 Escalation of Commitment Contextual determinants Culture of the decision makers Political climate of the escalation situation

29 7-29 Recommendations To Reduce Escalation of Commitment Set minimum targets for performance, and have decision makers compare their performance with these targets. Have different individuals make the initial and subsequent decisions about a project. Encourage decision makers to become less ego-involved with a project.

30 7-30 Recommendations To Reduce Escalation of Commitment Provide more frequent feedback about project completion and costs. Reduce the risk or penalties of failure. Make decision makers aware of the costs of persistence.

31 7-31 Question? What is the process of using imagination to develop a new process? A.Originality B.Innovation C.Creativity D.Resourcefulness

32 7-32 Creativity –process of using intelligence, imagination, and skill to develop a new or novel product, object, process, or thought

33 7-33 Stages of the Creative Process Preparation Concentration Incubation Illumination Verification

34 7-34 Group Involvement Minority dissent –extent to which group members feel comfortable disagreeing with other group members, and the extent to which group members participate in decision making

35 7-35 Advantages and Disadvantages of Group-Aided Decision Making

36 7-36 Participative Management –involving employees in various forms of decision making Setting goals Making decisions Solving problems Making changes in the organization

37 7-37 Group Problem Solving Techniques Consensus –presenting opinions and gaining agreement to support a decision Brainstorming –process to generate a quantity of ideas

38 7-38 Rules for Brainstorming 1.Defer judgment 2.Build on the ideas of others 3.Encourage wild ideas 4.Go for quantity over quality 5.Be visual 6.Stay focused on the topic 7.One conversation at a time

39 7-39 Group Problem Solving Techniques Nominal Group Technique –process to generate ideas and evaluate solutions. Delphi technique –process to generate ideas from physically dispersed experts

40 7-40 Group Problem Solving Techniques Computer-aided decision making –reduces consensus roadblocks while collecting more information in a shorter period of time

41 7-41 Computer-aided Decision Making Chauffeur-driven systems –ask participants to answer predetermined questions on electronic keypads Group-driven meetings –conducted in special facilities equipped with individual workstations that are networked to each other

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