E-Infrastructure for e-Science in Algeria Aouaouche El-Maouhab Director of Networks Division CERIST

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Presentation on theme: "E-Infrastructure for e-Science in Algeria Aouaouche El-Maouhab Director of Networks Division CERIST"— Presentation transcript:

1 e-Infrastructure for e-Science in Algeria Aouaouche El-Maouhab Director of Networks Division CERIST elmaouhab@wissal.dz

2 e-Infrastructure ARN Academic & Research Network & DZ e-Science GRID National Initiative GRID

3 ARN Academic & Research Network

4 "e-Infrastructure for e-Science in Algeria" e-AGE'11, Amman, 12-13 December 2011 ARN - Objectives Provide to scientific community: Communication infrastructure Technological infrastructure GRID services E-library services E-learning services

5 "e-Infrastructure for e-Science in Algeria" e-AGE'11, Amman, 12-13 December 2011 ARN - Connectivity National backbone based on 10 PoPs (since this year) International Connectivity through : GEANT (European Research Network) with 155 Mbps through EC EUMEDCONNECT2 project Internet commodity with 777 Mbps through commercial Provider

6 "e-Infrastructure for e-Science in Algeria" e-AGE'11, Amman, 12-13 December 2011 ARN Action plan (2011-2012) Upgrade ARN Backbone with GE links Upgrade Universities, research centers and high schools (110) to FE (between 10M & 100M) Upgrade international connectivity to GE link capacity Upgrade GEANT connectivity to STM4

7 "e-Infrastructure for e-Science in Algeria" e-AGE'11, Amman, 12-13 December 2011 (GEANT2) - Madrid Internet STM4+STM1 STM1 Bejaia Adrar Tamanrasset MESRS,DGRSDT,UMBB, UNIV. ALGER (Ben-Aknoun1, Ben-Aknoun2, Bouzareah, Beni-Messous, Dely-Brahim, Maherzi, Kharrouba,Dergana), ENTP, USTHB, ENP,ESI, ENV,ENTP,ENSH,INA,EPAU,ISMAL,INPS,INC,ESC,ENS(KOUBA), ENS(BOUZAREAH),CERIST,CDTA,CDER,CSC,CRSTDLA,CREAD,CRAPC,UDTS,UDES ANDRU,ANVREDET,UFC,INRAA,CGS,ENA,CRAAG,INFS/STS,CRNB,INRE U. ES-SENIA,USTO,ENST,CRASC ANDRS, U. Constantine, U. Emir AEK, ENS, CRBiotech., (U. Adrar, UEES) (U. Biskra,CRSTRA) (U. Ghardaia, URAER) Sidi Bel Abbes Bordj Bou Arreridj Mila Oum-El-Bouaghi Tissemsilt ARN Map Guelma El-Tarf Mostaganem Lien GE STM4 STM1 FE 100M FE 10M Nouveau PoP INRAA, CGS, ENA, CRAAG, INFS/STS, CRNB, INRE

8 "e-Infrastructure for e-Science in Algeria" e-AGE'11, Amman, 12-13 December 2011 ARN Architecture & services IPv4 network IP mpls network NOC handling Visioconferencing and streaming CERT-ARN : informations, alerts, advices and handling

9 "e-Infrastructure for e-Science in Algeria" e-AGE'11, Amman, 12-13 December 2011 ARN Architecture & services IPv6 network VoIP Intra ARN Services for e-library and e-learning GRID services Federated Identity

10 DZ e-Science GRID National Initiative GRID

11 "e-Infrastructure for e-Science in Algeria" e-AGE'11, Amman, 12-13 December 2011 DZ e-Science GRID Objectives Provide to e-Science communities a plate-form for developing activities which need resources for calculate and storage Create a set of Grid resources clusters on ARN Network Provide service to users for porting, deploying and submitting their applications

12 "e-Infrastructure for e-Science in Algeria" e-AGE'11, Amman, 12-13 December 2011 GRID users survey (March 2006)

13 "e-Infrastructure for e-Science in Algeria" e-AGE'11, Amman, 12-13 December 2011 DZ e-Science GRID Action Plan Deploy and maintain clusters : from 3 up to 12 (2012) Manage common core GRID services Identify users and applications (research centers & universities) and create virtual organizations for users communities Train users and give support Use the DZ e-Science CA certification authority for Grid users and servers certificates

14 "e-Infrastructure for e-Science in Algeria" e-AGE'11, Amman, 12-13 December 2011 Participation to EC Projects (FP7) Research & Education Networks : EUMEDCONNECT2 & EUMEDCONNECT3 GRID Infrastructure & training EUMEDGrid-support & EPIKH

15 "e-Infrastructure for e-Science in Algeria" e-AGE'11, Amman, 12-13 December 2011 Partcipation to ASREN EUMEDCONNECT1, 2004 EUMEDCONNECT2, 2008 Full support from ARN (CERIST) for regional initiative: Rome Declaration, 2006 – CAMREN (first concept) ASREN evolution, since 2009-2010 ASREN Launch, 2010 – Official approval from Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research EUMEDCONNECT3, 2012

16 "e-Infrastructure for e-Science in Algeria" e-AGE'11, Amman, 12-13 December 2011 Conclusion Thanks to EC and European partners : DANTE, GARR and INFN Thanks to our governements for public funding Achievements: Regional Initiative ASREN (thanks to TAG & JUNET) More advanced MED-NRENs Challenges : Involve more users (scientific communitites) Be aware about reliable infrastructure & services

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