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1 DO NOW: Sit with your Jeopardy team Sit with your Jeopardy team Quietly review at your seat Quietly review at your seat to prepare for Jeopardy. to prepare.

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Presentation on theme: "1 DO NOW: Sit with your Jeopardy team Sit with your Jeopardy team Quietly review at your seat Quietly review at your seat to prepare for Jeopardy. to prepare."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 DO NOW: Sit with your Jeopardy team Sit with your Jeopardy team Quietly review at your seat Quietly review at your seat to prepare for Jeopardy. to prepare for Jeopardy.

2 2 Scorekeeper: records each team’s score on the board. Scorekeeper: records each team’s score on the board. Timekeeper: allows only the specified amount of time for each question. Timekeeper: allows only the specified amount of time for each question. Judge: makes the final decision about answers and rules (teacher). Judge: makes the final decision about answers and rules (teacher).

3 3 The team captain will be the spokesman for his/her team. The team captain will be the spokesman for his/her team. He/she will lead their team in choosing their category and point value, e.g., “We choose Quotes for 300.” He/she will lead their team in choosing their category and point value, e.g., “We choose Quotes for 300.” The team has 30 seconds to put the answer in correct question format, e.g., “Who is Atticus?” The team has 30 seconds to put the answer in correct question format, e.g., “Who is Atticus?” Each team gets only 1 guess. Each team gets only 1 guess.

4 4 If they answer correctly, they gain the points noted for that question. If they answer correctly, they gain the points noted for that question. If they answer incorrectly, they do not gain the points. If they answer incorrectly, they do not gain the points. In either case, after each question, the play goes to the next team. In either case, after each question, the play goes to the next team. Teams continue to take turns and accumulate points until the end of the game or until 5 minutes before the end of the block. Teams continue to take turns and accumulate points until the end of the game or until 5 minutes before the end of the block.

5 5 The team that earns the most points wins & receives 4 extra points on the test. The team that earns the most points wins & receives 4 extra points on the test. The team that comes in second place receives 3 extra points. The team that comes in second place receives 3 extra points. The team that comes in third place receives 2 extra points. The team that comes in third place receives 2 extra points. The team that comes in fourth place receives 1 extra point. The team that comes in fourth place receives 1 extra point.


7 QuotesCharactersThemes Story Questions Miscellaneous (Vocabulary, Themes, Etc.)

8 QuotesCharacters Story Questions Story Questions II Misc. 100 200 300 400 500

9 9 Quotes: 100 He says “First of all, if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view--until you climb into his skin and walk around in it?”

10 10 Quotes 100 Who is Atticus? Who is Atticus? 10

11 11 Bonus! Why is he giving Scout this advice, and why is it important? Why is he giving Scout this advice, and why is it important? Add 50 points! Add 50 points! 11

12 12 Quotes: 200 She says, “Jean Louise, I’ve had about enough of you this morning... You’re starting off on the wrong foot in every way, my dear. Hold out your hand.”

13 13 Quotes: 200 Who is Miss Caroline Fisher? Who is Miss Caroline Fisher? 13

14 14 Bonus! What’s happening in the story when she says this, and what does it show us about her as a character? What’s happening in the story when she says this, and what does it show us about her as a character? Add 50 points! Add 50 points! 14

15 15 Quotes: 300 He says, “You ain’t sending me home, missus. I was on the verge of leavin’ -- I done my time for this year.”

16 16 Quotes: 300 Who is Burris Ewell? Who is Burris Ewell? 16

17 17 Bonus! Why is this quote significant? (E.g. what does it begin to reveal to us about the characterization of The Ewells?) Why is this quote significant? (E.g. what does it begin to reveal to us about the characterization of The Ewells?) Add 50 points! Add 50 points! 17

18 18 Quotes: 400 She says, “Hush your mouth! Don’t matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this house’s yo comp’ny, and don’t you let me catch your remarkin’ on their ways like you was so high and mighty! Yo’ folks might be better’n the Cunninghams but it don’t count for nothin’ the way you’re disgracin’ ‘em...”

19 19 Quotes: 400 Who is Calpurnia? Who is Calpurnia? 19

20 20 Bonus! Why does she say this? What is she trying to teach Scout? Why does she say this? What is she trying to teach Scout? Add 50 points! Add 50 points! 20

21 21 Quotes: 500 Who says, “Tree’s dyin. You plug ‘em with cement when they’re sick. You ought to know that, Jem.”

22 22 Quotes: 500 Who is Mr. Nathan Radley? Who is Mr. Nathan Radley? 22

23 23 Bonus! Why is this quote significant to the novel? Why is this quote significant to the novel? Add 50 points! Add 50 points! 23

24 24 Characters: 100 Never takes anything they cannot pay back

25 25 Characters: 100 Who are The Cunninghams? Who are The Cunninghams? 25

26 26 Characters: 200 He stays in his house all the time; some people in town think he is a “monster”

27 27 Characters: 200 Who is Boo Radley? Who is Boo Radley? 27

28 28 Characters: 300 A black man accused of a crime

29 29 Characters: 300 Who is Tom Robinson? Who is Tom Robinson? 29

30 30 Characters: 400 Jean Louise Finch; the narrator

31 31 Characters: 400 Who is Scout? Who is Scout? 31

32 32 Characters: 500 A lawyer; Jem’s and Scout’s father

33 33 Characters: 500 Who is Atticus? Who is Atticus? 33

34 34 Story Questions: 100 Boo allegedly did this to his father, causing his mother to run out into the street screaming

35 Story Questions: 100 What is stabbed him in the leg with scissors? What is stabbed him in the leg with scissors? 35

36 36 Story Questions: 200 This is Scout’s “first crime” at school

37 Story Questions: 200 What is already reading and writing? What is already reading and writing? 37

38 38 Story Questions: 300 This is why Calpurnia gets angry at Scout when Walter comes over for dinner

39 Story Questions: 300 What is because she is rude and judgmental towards Walter? What is because she is rude and judgmental towards Walter? 39

40 40 Story Questions: 400 This is how Jem lost his pants

41 Story Questions: 400 What is he took them off to free himself from the Radley’s fence? What is he took them off to free himself from the Radley’s fence? 41

42 42 Story Questions: 500 This is what Miss Maudie says about the Radleys

43 Story Questions: 500 What is they have a right to their privacy? What is they have a right to their privacy? 43

44 44 Story Questions II: 100 This is how Jem plans to get around Atticus’ warning not to play the Radley game

45 Story Questions II: 100 What is by changing the characters’ names? What is by changing the characters’ names? 45

46 46 Story Questions II: 200 This is what Jem and Scout find in the knothole of the Radley’s tree (name at least 3 items)

47 Story Questions II: 200 What are gum, pennies, two soap dolls carved to look like them, a pocket watch, and spelling bee medal? What are gum, pennies, two soap dolls carved to look like them, a pocket watch, and spelling bee medal? 47

48 48 Story Questions II: 300 This is what happens to Miss Maudie’s house

49 Story Questions II: 300 What is burns down? What is burns down? 49

50 50 Story Questions II: 400 This is what Jem reveals to Scout about his pants

51 Story Questions II: 400 What is they were mended and neatly folded over the fence? What is they were mended and neatly folded over the fence? 51

52 52 Story Questions II: 500 This is why Scout has a conflict with Cecil Jacobs and her cousin Francis

53 Story Questions II: 500 What is because they tease her about who Atticus is representing? What is because they tease her about who Atticus is representing? 53

54 54 Miscellaneous: 100 An example of this literary term would be People are not always who they appear to be

55 Miscellaneous: 100 What is a theme? What is a theme? 55

56 56 Miscellaneous: 200 This is Maycomb’s “usual disease” that Atticus hopes Jem and Scout will not contract

57 Miscellaneous: 200 What is prejudice? What is prejudice? 57

58 58 Miscellaneous: 300 This is Atticus’ nickname that Scout and Jem never knew about

59 Miscellaneous: 300 What is “One-Shot Finch”? What is “One-Shot Finch”? 59

60 Bonus! How do the children find out about Atticus’ nickname? (What did he do?) How do the children find out about Atticus’ nickname? (What did he do?) Add 50 points! Add 50 points! 60

61 61 Miscellaneous: 400 This literary device is the way Scout tells the story as an adult looking back on her childhood

62 Miscellaneous: 400 What is a flashback? What is a flashback? 62

63 63 Miscellaneous: 500 This is a sleepy, southern town where the story takes place in the 1930s.

64 Miscellaneous: 500 What is Maycomb, Alabama? What is Maycomb, Alabama? 64

65 65 Category: Quotes (Worth 1000) He says, “You’re right. We’d better keep this blanket thing to ourselves,” and why?

66 Daily Double! Who is Atticus? And what is because he doesn’t want people to bother the Radleys? Who is Atticus? And what is because he doesn’t want people to bother the Radleys? 66

67 67 FINAL JEOPARDY How does Atticus go beyond the social code of Maycomb? How does this affect Scout?



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