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Intermediate / Advanced Power Point Instructor W. Shorts.

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2 Intermediate / Advanced Power Point Instructor W. Shorts

3 Today’s Agenda Animations Hyperlinks Nesting Programs Inserting Movies Inserting Custom Sounds Action Buttons Jeopardy Anything else that Comes Up

4 Advanced Animations Common problem when you add animations is that too much or too little amimates when you want it to. This is very easily fixed

5 Animations 1 Normally all text inside the text box holds the same animation effect No matter how many bullets are present Notice this box Notice also how annoying it is after this bullet

6 Animations 2 Notice how annoying the exit of the text was Lets fix that First - Next Lets add different animations to the bullets such as this slide has Practice

7 Inserting Hyperlinks Hyperlinks are very useful for many things You can link to –Webpage1, Web page 2Webpage1Web page 2 –DocumentsDocuments –Email addressesEmail addresses –Anchors (specific places in a web page that you may want to continually return to) I’m not sure how to do this but if you want to find out let me know and I’ll research it for you Practice

8 Nesting Programs Nesting programs is basically just a hyperlink but it has to be done differently and it can run any program. Adobe photoshop Practice

9 Inserting Movies You may insert any quick time movie - but it has to be quick time

10 The Lighter Side of Teaching

11 Practicality Sometimes it’s better to link to the program - that way you’re able to control the movie Pause, stop, rewind, etc. Bed of Nails Practice

12 Inserting Custom Sounds To insert sounds they have to be mp3 format. –(See me after class if you don’t know how to get mp3s or to transfer your songs to mp3s) Practice

13 Action Buttons An action button is a button on the slide that you can click on to send you to –A different program –A different slide –Or custom place Movie End Practice

14 Jeopardy Game I’ve made a Jeopardy game for myself that I’m going to share with you you may download it from my website –Jeopardy downloadJeopardy download –Jeopardy gameJeopardy game

15 Anything Else That You Want to Figure Out What do you want to find out how to do? Practice

16 There are many other things that we didn’t cover but can Inserting –Charts, Tables, Objects (equations, excel, or word docs, etc.) Formatting –Slide design, formats, etc. Timings Slide transitions Customizing slide shows Practice

17 End of show F Thanks for coming F Please feel free to Email me if you ever have any questions about powerpoint or any other program that you may wish to learn more about. Email F Thanks again and have a great rest of your summer!!

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