2012-2013 KDM Science Fair!. Elementary Science Fair Anyone in 4 th and 5 th grade can participate! KDM Fair: January 24, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "2012-2013 KDM Science Fair!. Elementary Science Fair Anyone in 4 th and 5 th grade can participate! KDM Fair: January 24, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012-2013 KDM Science Fair!

2 Elementary Science Fair Anyone in 4 th and 5 th grade can participate! KDM Fair: January 24, 2013

3 Chester County Science Research Competition – Jonas Salk Fair for 4 th -5 th graders Tuesday, March 5, 2013 Top 10 projects from each Elementary School (Five from 4 th and Five from 5 th ) will advance on to this level. Only one “Team” project from a grade level may advance on to Chester County

4 What is Science Research? Science research is an opportunity for you to investigate an idea that you find interesting. You can use books, internet, encyclopedias, parents, teachers, scientists, etc.

5 Topic Ideas Behavioral and Social Science: Human and animal behavior, social and community relationships Botany Study of plant life Chemistry Study of nature and composition of matter and laws governing it Plastics, fuels, pesticides, soil chemistry, etc.

6 More Project Categories Computer Science Study and development of computer hardware, software engineering, Internet networking and communications, graphics (including human interface) Consumer Science Research normal use of products including product testing and comparison. Study human preferences. Earth and Space Science Geology, oceanography, meteorology, geography, astronomy, planetary science, etc. Engineering Technology; manufacturing and practical uses mechanical, aeronautical, chemical, electrical, photographic, sound, automotive, marine, heating and refrigerating, transportation,, etc. Environmental Science Study of pollution (air, water, and land) sources and their control; ecology

7 And More! Mathematics Various numerical and algebraic computations, Calculus, geometry, number theory, statistics, probability Medicine and Health Study of diseases and health of humans and animals Physics Theories, principles, and laws governing energy and the effect of energy on matter Zoology Study of animals Team Projects will be team projects if completed as a team, no matter what category area they fall in from above. Two or Three Teammates may work together.

8 How Do I Develop My Idea into an Experiment? After you have learned (researched) everything you can about your project idea, try to think of a way to express your question as a statement that describes what you think will happen. I believe… This is your hypothesis!

9 Keeping a Log Book One of your most valuable pieces of work resulting from your science fair project will be your log book or journal. This is a day by day record of what you do. Be sure to include dates, observations and your thoughts in each entry.

10 Sharing Your Project Your science fair project is an opportunity for you to share the results of your experiment with classmates, adults, and other people interested in your research. Organize your science fair board in a logical way. Check carefully for spelling and grammar errors. Be sure to include graphs, charts and pictures.

11 How Does a Great Science Fair Project Look? An outstanding science fair project is neat and well organized.

12 More Great Projects

13 What to do now! 1. Fill out the Research Plan. 2. Fill in the highlighted paper work and get a parent signature. Paperwork due: Nov. 2: Animal and Human projects Nov. 9: All other projects

14 Any questions? Contact Ms. Quinn-Kerins 5 th Grade Teacher K. D. Markley Elementary School kquinnkerins@gvsd.org 610-889-1620 ext.1406 kquinnkerins@gvsd.org

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