New Directions for Net Gen Learners and Libraries Joan K. Lippincott Coalition for Networked Information Joan K. Lippincott Coalition for Networked Information.

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Presentation on theme: "New Directions for Net Gen Learners and Libraries Joan K. Lippincott Coalition for Networked Information Joan K. Lippincott Coalition for Networked Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Directions for Net Gen Learners and Libraries Joan K. Lippincott Coalition for Networked Information Joan K. Lippincott Coalition for Networked Information ACRL WSS ALA Annual 2007

2 Why New Directions? Changes in student behaviors - Net Gen Students Understandings of learning principles and styles Availability of new technologies Changes in student behaviors - Net Gen Students Understandings of learning principles and styles Availability of new technologies

3 What Does a Net Gen Student Look Like? This?

4 Or this?

5 Net Gen Students Born 1982-1991 Grew up with computers and other media at home and in school from earliest ages Never were tethered to communication in a place Born 1982-1991 Grew up with computers and other media at home and in school from earliest ages Never were tethered to communication in a place

6 Other Names… Millennials Digital Natives Gen Y Next Gen DotNets (Pew Internet & American Life) Millennials Digital Natives Gen Y Next Gen DotNets (Pew Internet & American Life)

7 Characteristics of Net Gen Students Always connected, multi-tasking Oriented to working in groups Experiential learners Visual Producers as well as consumers Always connected, multi-tasking Oriented to working in groups Experiential learners Visual Producers as well as consumers

8 Characteristics of Deeper Learning “Deeper Learning” Social Active Contextual Engaging Student-owned “Deeper Learning” Social Active Contextual Engaging Student-owned Colleen Carmean & Jeremy Haefner. “Mind Over Matter.” EDUCAUSE Review, vol 37,No. 6, Nov./Dec., 2002

9 Implications for Learning and Libraries Assume students are information producers Broaden students’ exposure to information and tools for their discipline Assist students in understanding information policy issues Assume students are information producers Broaden students’ exposure to information and tools for their discipline Assist students in understanding information policy issues

10 Changing focus Students as information seekers Students as information producers Students as information seekers Students as information producers

11 Convergence of literacies Written literacy Information literacy Technology literacy Visual literacy Written literacy Information literacy Technology literacy Visual literacy

12 MacArthur Foundation Project

13 Henry Jenkins - MIT Selected core skills Collective Intelligence - the ability to pool knowledge and compare notes with others toward a common goal Judgment - the ability to evaluate the reliability and credibility of different information resources Networking - the ability to search for, synthesize, and disseminate information Selected core skills Collective Intelligence - the ability to pool knowledge and compare notes with others toward a common goal Judgment - the ability to evaluate the reliability and credibility of different information resources Networking - the ability to search for, synthesize, and disseminate information

14 Henry Jenkins - MIT Among his core skills: Multitasking - the ability to scan one’s environment and shift focus as needed to salient details Simulation - the ability to interpret and construct dynamic models of real world processes Appropriation - the ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content Among his core skills: Multitasking - the ability to scan one’s environment and shift focus as needed to salient details Simulation - the ability to interpret and construct dynamic models of real world processes Appropriation - the ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content

15 New T&L Partnerships Center for Teaching and Learning New Media Center Instructional Technology Group Film or Multimedia Studies Dept. Center for Teaching and Learning New Media Center Instructional Technology Group Film or Multimedia Studies Dept.

16 Columbia U. CNMTL

17 Georgetown CNDLS

18 Dartmouth RWIT: Center for Research, Writing & IT

19 New Resources Tools to facilitate collaborative work Facilities for production of content Facilities for practicing presentations Tools to facilitate collaborative work Facilities for production of content Facilities for practicing presentations

20 PennTags Social Bookmarking

21 GroupSpace with TeamSpot at Stanford U. Meyer Library

22 U. Delaware Student Multi-media Design Center

23 Georgia Tech Practice Presentation Room

24 Changing focus Teaching about access to library resources Teaching about access to information and tools Teaching about access to library resources Teaching about access to information and tools

25 Data for Visualization

26 Webcast Offerings at UC Berkeley

27 Research Channel Videos

28 U. Washington and Wikipedia

29 Georgetown U. Portal for Community-Based Research

30 GMU History Tools

31 Displaying information and projects Providing visual cues to the information resources available Displaying what students and faculty can create with information resources Providing visual cues to the information resources available Displaying what students and faculty can create with information resources

32 Cornell’s Mann Library

33 Japanese Anime - Dartmouth

34 NCSU Learning Commons eBoards

35 Changing focus Teaching about policies as rules Fostering policy awareness and discussion Teaching about policies as rules Fostering policy awareness and discussion

36 Bucknell Professor’s Film on IP

37 Uses Parody of Disney Films to Illustrate Principles

38 UPenn Library Mashup Contest

39 In Conjunction with Free Culture

40 Creative Commons Licensing

41 Cornell’s Thoughts on Facebook

42 Engaging Students Methods Online tutorials Online games, contests Social networking sites Students collect resources prior to class and jointly critique Simulations Services and instruction in virtual worlds Methods Online tutorials Online games, contests Social networking sites Students collect resources prior to class and jointly critique Simulations Services and instruction in virtual worlds

43 Library Online Tutorials at TWU

44 UIUC Undergrad Library Facebook

45 Info Island in Second Life

46 U. Tennessee bioLIBlog

47 Supporting materials FAQs Guides, links, and services in CMS Podcasts Wikis or blogs developed by students or TAs FAQs Guides, links, and services in CMS Podcasts Wikis or blogs developed by students or TAs

48 UPenn Business FAQ

49 Challenges Faculty Interest in inserting these skills in their curriculum Willingness to collaborate Acceptance of new forms of student projects Development of grading rubrics for new forms of expression Faculty Interest in inserting these skills in their curriculum Willingness to collaborate Acceptance of new forms of student projects Development of grading rubrics for new forms of expression

50 Challenges Librarians Broadening conception of information literacy Convergence of literacies Overall service program, not just classes Engagement in collaborative learning Development of new skills Promoting services to faculty Librarians Broadening conception of information literacy Convergence of literacies Overall service program, not just classes Engagement in collaborative learning Development of new skills Promoting services to faculty

51 Transforming Information Literacy In-class Expert Highly structured Complex Focus on owned, licensed items In-class Expert Highly structured Complex Focus on owned, licensed items Push Collaborative New structures Simple Mixed, including freely available FROMTO

52 Accomplishing Change Re-examine service goals Talk with faculty and students Collaborate with faculty and campus units Work in teams with students Experiment, pilot Adopt, adapt Do research, assessment Let go… Re-examine service goals Talk with faculty and students Collaborate with faculty and campus units Work in teams with students Experiment, pilot Adopt, adapt Do research, assessment Let go…

53 The Net Gen Are Our Future Assist students with making the transition from the recreational use of technology to academic use of technology Provide environments, physical and virtual, which engage students Promote creativity in students’ discipline- related work Assist students with making the transition from the recreational use of technology to academic use of technology Provide environments, physical and virtual, which engage students Promote creativity in students’ discipline- related work

54 Credits Photos include web captures, photos from my collection and some supplied to me by institutions

55 Resources Educating the Net Gen Edited by Diana G. Oblinger and James L. Oblinger Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century. Henry Jenkins et. al. MacArthur Foundation, 2006. Contact:

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