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Proposal of Intent APAN 24 th Meeting China Science & Technology Network (CSTNET) Computer Network Information Center (CNIC) Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposal of Intent APAN 24 th Meeting China Science & Technology Network (CSTNET) Computer Network Information Center (CNIC) Chinese Academy of Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposal of Intent APAN 24 th Meeting China Science & Technology Network (CSTNET) Computer Network Information Center (CNIC) Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

2 When Where Who When –Proposed to be around July/Aug 2007 Where –Proposed to be around XiAn Branch, CAS Who –Key Hosts China Science & Technology Network (CSTNET) Computer Network Information Center (CNIC), CAS –Local Hosts XiAn Branch, CAS …

3 Have Done… Officially submit APAN 24 th proposal to CAS and China government. Do some investigation to APAN 24 th –Venue –Budget –Timetable Have some discussion with VIPs of APAN for –Theme –Programs

4 About APAN 24 th Theme –Joint conference of 24th APAN Meeting and the Global Research Network Joint Partners –GLORIAD –TEIN2...

5 About APAN 24 th (cont.) Proposed Program Sessions (to be confirmed) August 19Reception (Evening) August 20Welcome Event August 20 - 24Workshops (eScience, Network Technology, Application Technology, Natural Resource, etc.) August 20 - 24Working group and Committee meetings

6 Historic Characters of XiAn

7 Modern Characters of XiAn

8 See You XiAn 2007

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