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Overview of the Day Learning - Part 2 Operant conditioning Observational learning.

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1 Overview of the Day Learning - Part 2 Operant conditioning Observational learning

2 Operant Conditioning  Why is it called "operant" conditioning?  Operant: an organism learns to operate on the environment  Associating a behavior with a consequence  A response is followed by a consequence  How does operant conditioning work?  Law of effect: a behavior is likely to be reproduced when it has positive consequences and vice versa

3 Key Terms  Reinforcer: any event that increases the frequency of a preceding response  Primary reinforcer: something that is innately satisfying (food and sex)  Secondary reinforcer: something we learn to like (money)  Punishment: any event that decreases the frequency of a preceding response

4 Positive and Negative Reinforcement and Punishment  Positive (reinforcement and punishment)  present something  Negative (reinforcement and punishment)  remove something

5 What works best: Reinforcement or Punishment?  Punished behavior is suppressed, not forgotten, may increase aggressiveness (abusive parents tend to produce abusive children),anger, and fear of person doing the punishing  However, swift and sure punishment can be effective.  When should it be used and how?  When it is so sure and effective that it deters unwanted behavior.

6 Shaping  A procedure in which reinforcers are used to gradually guide behavior toward a desired behavior.  Teach a child to play quietly by presenting her with an ice cream cone at longer and longer intervals of quiet play (10, 20, 30 minutes)

7 Examples of Interval and Ratio Schedules  Asking women for dates  variable ratio  A house painter being paid by how many square feet of surface area she paints  fixed ratio  Receiving a paycheck every two weeks  fixed interval  Pop quizzes  variable interval

8 Observational Learning  Modeling: observing and imitating a specific behavior  By observing, we learn to anticipate a behavior’s consequences (on other and ourselves)  We tend imitate people who are successful admirable, or similar to ourselves

9 Summary  Operant conditioning  reinforcer, punishment  positive and negative  Shaping  Schedules of reinforcement  continuous and partial (FR, VR, FI, VI)  Observational learning

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