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Click to edit Master subtitle style 22/10/09 COMMUNICATIONS James Warren, Chief Digital Strategist Weber Shandwick Milan | 21st October 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master subtitle style 22/10/09 COMMUNICATIONS James Warren, Chief Digital Strategist Weber Shandwick Milan | 21st October 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master subtitle style 22/10/09 COMMUNICATIONS James Warren, Chief Digital Strategist Weber Shandwick Milan | 21st October 2009

2 22/10/09




6 Cliccate per modificare il formato del testo della struttura Secondo livello struttura  Terzo livello struttura Quarto livello struttura  Quinto livello struttura  Sesto livello struttura  Settimo livello struttura  Ottavo livello struttura Nono livello strutturaClick to edit Master text styles – Second level Third level – Fourth level » Fifth level 22/10/09 Getting INLINE Research INLINE Profile Process INLINE Campaign Builder

7 22/10/09 4,692 European consumers

8 22/10/09 Online advocacy is now the most influential source of information for European consumers

9 22/10/09 40 % of European consumers often don’t believe what they read online until they’ve checked the facts in the traditional mainstream media

10 22/10/09 European consumers under the age of 35 are more likely to find newspapers and magazines influential than their older counterparts

11 22/10/09 35% of all European consumers expressed interest in direct social network interaction with brands

12 22/10/09 34% didn’t

13 22/10/09 Brands and Social Networks I am interested in interacting with my favourite brands through social networking websites (such as Facebook, MySpace, Bebo etc.) Total Agree 35% 31% 35% 32% 47% 50% 24% Total UK Germany France Spain Italy Belgium Source: Weber Shandwick Inline Communications Survey, 4,692 adults, July 2009

14 22/10/09 Trust in Social Media I often don’t believe what I read in online user reviews, forums and social networking sites until I have checked the facts in the mainstream traditional media e.g. newspapers and magazines Total Agree 40% 43% 46% 35% 37% 40% 36% Total UK Germany France Spain Italy Belgium Source: Weber Shandwick Inline Communications Survey, 4,692 adults, July 2009

15 22/10/09 Source: Weber Shandwick Inline Communications Survey, 4,692 adults, July 2009 Your Story European Profile

16 22/10/09 INLINE PROFILE: italy Your Story Source: Weber Shandwick Inline Communications Survey, 517 Italian consumers, 18+, July 2009

17 22/10/09 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please select one answer per statement SOCIAL vs traditional MEDIA Total Agree 50% 41% I am interested in interacting with my favourite brands through social networking websites (such as Facebook, MySpace, Bebo etc.) I often don’t believe what I read in online user reviews, forums and social networking sites until I have checked the facts in the mainstream traditional media e.g. newspapers and magazines Source: Weber Shandwick Inline Communications Survey, 517 Italian consumers, 18+, July 2009

18 22/10/09 Social networking: ITALY At least somewhat agree with statement: I am interested in interacting with my favourite brands through social networking websites (such as Facebook, MySpace, Bebo etc.)

19 22/10/09 Media trust: ITALY At least somewhat agree with statement: I often don’t believe what I read in online user reviews, forums and social networking sites until I have checked the facts in the mainstream traditional media e.g. newspapers and magazines

20 22/10/09 Traditional media: italy Italian consumers who find newspapers and magazines at least somewhat influential

21 22/10/09 RECOMMENDATIONS ONLINE: ITALY Italian consumers who find recommendations online at least somewhat influential

22 22/10/09 INSIGHTS: italy Women are more likely than men to deem the following sources as at least somewhat important: – Advertising on TV, magazines, newspapers, billboards or online (47% vs. 28%); and – TV or radio programmes (41% vs. 27%) Women are also more likely than men to agree that they are interested in interacting with their favourite brands through social networking websites (57% vs. 45%) Those aged 55+ (52%) are more likely than younger Italian adults (38%) to agree that they often don't believe what they read in user-generated content until they have checked the facts in traditional mainstream media – They are also less likely to deem online user reviews (43% vs. 63%) or TV or radio programmes (21% vs. 35%) as at least somewhat influential

23 22/10/09 INSIGHTS: italy Those aged 18-34 are more likely than older respondents to deem recommendations from friends and family (77% vs. 60%) or from someone else online (48% vs. 30%) as at least somewhat influential – They are also more likely to be interested in interacting with their favourite brands through social networking websites (61% vs. 43%) Those aged 25-44 (53%) are more likely than other respondents (43%) to deem magazine or newspaper articles as at least somewhat influential Those aged 25-34 are more likely than other respondents to deem company websites (52% vs. 37%) or advertising (45% vs. 34%) as at least somewhat influential Those with children in the household are more likely than those without to consider advertising (45% vs. 30%) or TV and radio programmes (38% vs. 29%) at least somewhat influential – They are also more likely to agree that they are interested in interacting with their favourite brands through social networking websites (55% vs. 46%)

24 22/10/09 Your Story

25 22/10/09

26 Click to edit Master subtitle style 22/10/09

27 Groups Discussion forums Virtual worlds Niche networks Social networks Customer service Industry associations Social bookmarks Crowd-sourced Comment and reputation Lifestreams Events Taggin g Search Wikis Widgets Video Audio Mobile Music Livecasting Documents Pictures Slideshows Location Press releases White papers People Blog platforms Blog communities Micromedia Blogs Journalists Analysts Academia 4 Community Connect 3 Content 2 1 Conversations Your Story Shop staff

28 22/10/09 Conclusion INLINE Communications mirrors influence patterns The ‘traditional’ media is incredibly important You need to tell a consistent story in appropriate proportions across the different channels your audience is influenced through

29 22/10/09 Thank You Get in touch to get INLINE

30 22/10/09 Image credits Thanks and apologies, can’t find credits for the storytelling or newspaper images – if they’re yours, let me know and I’ll credit you immediately Thanks! James | jwarren [at] webershandwick [dot] com

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