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Finding the Subject of Sentences. What is the SUBJECT of a sentence? SUBJECT The SUBJECT is the naming part. It tells you WHO the sentence is about.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding the Subject of Sentences. What is the SUBJECT of a sentence? SUBJECT The SUBJECT is the naming part. It tells you WHO the sentence is about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding the Subject of Sentences

2 What is the SUBJECT of a sentence? SUBJECT The SUBJECT is the naming part. It tells you WHO the sentence is about.

3 How do I find the subject? 1. SUBJECT When you read the sentence, ask yourself WHO is this sentence about?. The person or thing the sentence is about is the SUBJECT. 2. SUBJECT Look for the action word. Usually, the words in front of the action words in a telling sentence are the SUBJECT.

4 EXAMPLE The dog chased the mailman. WHO is this sentence about? THE DOG SUBJECT The SUBJECT is THE DOG. The dog chased the mailman.

5 PRACTICE Als dad drives the truck. WHO is this sentence about? Als dad SUBJECT The SUBJECT is ALS DAD. Als dad drives the truck.

6 PRACTICE Al makes a big splash. WHO is this sentence about? Al SUBJECT The SUBJECT is AL. Al makes a big splash.

7 PRACTICE Frogs croak. WHO is this sentence about? Frogs SUBJECT The SUBJECT is FROGS. Frogs croak.

8 PRACTICE He grabs his things. WHO is this sentence about? He SUBJECT The SUBJECT is HE. He grabs his things.

9 PRACTICE Brother and I did our homework. WHO is this sentence about? Brother and I SUBJECT The SUBJECT is BROTHER AND I. Brother and I did our homework.

10 PRACTICE Sally played on my team. WHO is this sentence about? Sally SUBJECT The SUBJECT is SALLY. Sally played on my team.

11 PRACTICE Kelly and Bess painted a picture. WHO is this sentence about? Kelly and Bess SUBJECT The SUBJECT is KELLY AND BESS. Kelly and Bess painted a picture.

12 PRACTICE My mother and her friend had a party. WHO is this sentence about? My mother and her friend SUBJECT The SUBJECT is MY MOTHER AND HER FRIEND. My mother and her friend had a party.


14 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Kittens purr. WHO is this sentence about? Kittens SUBJECT The SUBJECT is KITTENS. Kittens purr.

15 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Mom and Dad went to the store. WHO is this sentence about? Mom and Dad SUBJECT The SUBJECT is MOM AND DAD. Mom and Dad went to the store.

16 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Bobby and Jimmy played ball. WHO is this sentence about? Bobby and Jimmy SUBJECT The SUBJECT is BOBBY AND JIMMY. Bobby and Jimmy played ball.

17 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Flowers bloom. WHO is this sentence about? Flowers SUBJECT The SUBJECT is FLOWERS. Flowers bloom.

18 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Mom likes it when I get all As. WHO is this sentence about? Mom SUBJECT The SUBJECT is MOM. Mom likes it when I get all As.

19 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Sue went swimming. WHO is this sentence about? Sue SUBJECT The SUBJECT is SUE. Sue went swimming.

20 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE My students do our homework every night. WHO is this sentence about? My students SUBJECT The SUBJECT is MY STUDENTS. My students do their homework every night.

21 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Paula, Sue, and Pat live in Boston. WHO is this sentence about? Paula, Sue, and Pat SUBJECT The SUBJECT is PAULA, SUE, AND PAT. Paula, Sue, and Pat live in Boston.

22 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Carla made a homerun. WHO is this sentence about? Carla SUBJECT The SUBJECT is CARLA. Carla made a homerun.

23 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Uncle Joe plays ball with Sam and me. WHO is this sentence about? Uncle Joe SUBJECT The SUBJECT is UNCLE JOE. Uncle Joe plays ball with Sam and me.

24 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Franny gave Ginny a hug. WHO is this sentence about? Franny SUBJECT The SUBJECT is FRANNY. Franny gave Ginny a hug.

25 REMEMBER: SUBJECT The SUBJECT is the naming part. It tells you WHO the sentence is about. SUBJECT When you read the sentence, ask yourself WHO is this sentence about?. The person or thing the sentence is about is the SUBJECT.

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