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Welcome! AP United States History Mrs. Hornstein.

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1 Welcome! AP United States History Mrs. Hornstein

2 What is AP US History II? College-level course Designated “AP” by College Board Curriculum modeled on College Board requirements Curriculum approved in College Board audit District- U.S. History I (10 th grade), U.S. History II (11 th grade) Difference between AP, Honors & College Prep Goals: Teach US History Provide credit for graduation Prepare students for the AP exam Possible college credit available

3 Developing students’ abilities to think conceptually about U.S. history. 7 themes provide areas of historical inquiry for investigation. They require students to reason historically. Focus on the conceptual and interpretive nature of history through 7 historical thinking skills. Our focus

4 This Class… Topics in American History: American West – Obama Admin. Thesis paper (research project) required for passing the class, regardless of class grade [DBQRP] Class activities- unit syllabus available on class website

5 Quarterly grade Approx. 2 tests per quarter (100 pts. Each)- MC & SAQs Approx. 2 essays per quarter (30-100 pts. Each) Nightly reading with weekly reading check quizzes (10 pts. Each) Class participation (40 pts. as per rubric- available on class website) Total pts. in 1 st marking period will be around 550

6 Preparing our Students Workload expectation is 1-2 hours daily, depending on student’s pace and scheduling (plan ahead!!) Students must have positive study habits Students need support from us AP Exam review begins end of March-beginning of April What can parents do to help? Ask your child to discuss his/her nightly reading with you Help with time management

7 The AP Exam Friday, May 8, 2015 Written, administered & graded by College Board Fee to take exam- $91 Registration in January Grade has NO effect on class or yearly grade/average (scores returned in July) See a sample exam on the College Board website (link from class website) Topics covered: Native peoples- Obama SAT II in U.S. History exam- May 2 nd

8 Pace, workload, responsibilities Exam covers 2 years of American History Requires intensive review (4-5 weeks; chronological & thematic) Before Spring Break: finish curriculum & develop skills necessary Pace is very fast  long reading assignments, large units, big tests

9 The AP Exam See handout

10 The AP Exam Nationally 50-53% of students pass the exam in a given year (fewer in 2008) Grade of A or B in this class = great chance of passing the exam Passing the exam may result in college credit Graded on a 5 pt. scale (5 is the best)

11 A Little About Me (Stephanie Hornstein)… 16 years teaching experience 10 years teaching AP History BA in History Education MA in History Education Supervision certificate 11 ½ years at NPHS

12 Items of Interest Grades are available on PowerSchool Class website (link from district website) Please check out the parent links- especially the College Board website ( pc/public/courses/descriptions/index. html) for AP parents & students pc/public/courses/descriptions/index. html

13 Wrap Up Questions? Contact Information: I look forward to working with you and your child this year!

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